
Responses from mcfarland

Beating the specs
Probably any tubed unit. 
Should I sell my Thorens?
Ditto "Jaybo", also check your stylus pressure. 
A challenge: Reference system from 15yrs ago
Garrard Zero 100 with Shure Type 3 improved cartridge, an AR Tuner, a Dynakit PAT 4 (now wished it were the PAS 3) which I still own, and a Dynakit Stereo 70 (both of which I built). Rectilinear III's, which I still own, were the speakers. I reall... 
Triangle Speaker owners
I have a Jadis Orchestra Reference tubed amplifier mated to a small pair of Triangle Titus's in my den. Nice sound, but was much better mated to an old pair of Harmon Kardon Sixtys in the living room. 
Audio Aero vs DeHavilland vs Atma-Sphere
If you plan on using the Atma-Sphere's with speakers of less than 8 ohms, you might consider using a Spelz Zero Autoformer. Check with Ralph Karsten in this regard at 
Snap Crackle Pop
I had similarly descibed sounds eminate from one channel of my rig, and found it to be worn out pre-amp tubes. If your pre-amp uses tubes, check your tubes. Happy Listening. 
Truely Balanced Pre Amps
ARC has several. So does BAT. Atma-Sphere has two. On the more affordable end, Audio Experience makes a fully balanced pre for about $1K. I am more than sure that there are others. Happy Listening. 
Truely Balanced Pre Amps
ARC has several. So does BAT. On the more affordable end, Audio Experience makes a fully balanced pre for about $1K. I am more than sure that there are others. Happy Listening. 
Getting rid of fm stations
Sheilded dedicated power line to your rig? I'm only guessing. 
Jadis Orch Reference, 5 yrs/Time for update review
The JOR is definately NOT autobiasing. New output tubes must be biased to the manufacturers specificiton. The adjustment pots are inside of the unit and should be done by an experienced technician or someone familiar with this operation as potenti... 
Does this speaker exist or am I being ridiculous?
IMHO, one needs to place speakers in the room such that they sound their best. Placing them up close to a wall will compromise almost any speakers sound that I know of. In wall speakers will typically sound like in wall speakers (little or no dime... 
Tube pre-amps: turn off when not in use?
I own 2 tubed pre-amps, which, in the past, I have left on continuosly. The tube life on both of these units used in this fashion is about 1 year. Now that I am using NOS tubes, I turn the pre-amps off when not in use. 
what are some of the best amplifiers
IMHO, I believe that an amplifier is mated to upstream componenets and downstream (speakers) components, which play a huge role in how the system will sound. I have had several good amplifiers in my day which have sounded marvelous with one set of... 
Mixing amps ?
I see no problem. Go for it. To be fair, however, they should all have similar input impedances otherwise the output levels intended for the rear channels may differ. You then may have to attenuate either the front or rear channels, if you wanted ... 
My Martin Logan SL3's are warped,what should I do?
I think "curved" rather than warped is the appropriate term. It is supposed to be curved.