
Responses from mcfarland

recommendations for starting system
IMHO: Jadis Orchestra Reference paired with Triangle Titus's or anything else in the Triangle line that you can afford used. The JOR will run around $12-1300 used and the Triangle's used for $250 or so. Happy Hunting and Good Luck! 
Does it / Do they pass the wife test? Speakers
My wife likes her Triangle Titus's, also, I haven't yet met a lady who does not like our Martin Logan SL3's, FWIW. 
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds
As I understand it, the JOR uses a passive pre-amp stage. The DA50 uses an active pre-amp stage, Hence at least part of the difference. Please correct me if my understanding is incorrect. 
Best Integrated for the Money
Jadis Orchestra Reference, used if you can find one, IMHO. 
how to set speed with strobe and speed controller
Where would one find a strobe light? 
Your 3 favorite serious low end recordings
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones: "Flight of the Cosmic Hippo" 
Atmasphere preamps
Ralph Karsten is a very nice person. Very knowledgable and honest. He can probably provide very useful info regarding various pairings. ie, I have the M602.2's which I am using with a Ys Audio Audio Experienced Balanced A1. Ralph has given me exce... 
Atmasphere preamps
Direct your inquiry to Ralph Karsten, owner of Atma-Sphere. They have a website. Check it out. 
Tube Amps with Balanced Inputs
Check out Atma-Sphere amps. SE, OTL's, will probably give you the sound your looking for in spades, with good bass response as well. Fully Balanced. Just my opinion, hear them for yourself. Highly recommended. Happy Listening. 
Balanced Pre for Bi Amping Recommendations Please
Audio Experience makes a balanced pre-amp. It's their top of the line. It has a source selector switch on the front plate and 2 volume knobs, one for each channel, and two sets of outputs. I like mine and price is under a thousand. This pre is FUL... 
What are the best drop in subs for a 12AU7??
I agree with S23chang. RCA 5814's and 6189 COMMAND versions should also be considered if you can find them. 
tube noise please help
What types of tubes? If what your hearing is a steady hum, does your unit have a tube rectification circuit? I had a hum problem with one of my pre-amps that was simply a 6x4 rectifier tube reaching the end of it's natural lifespan. In short, we w... 
rumble, on records or from turntable?
If you have a blank sided record you could play the blank side and listen. Shure made a test record years back that had a blank segment which could test the anti-skate mechanism of the tonearm. 
Bridging amps : How
I have a pair of Hafler 9270's that have 135 w/ch in stereo or 400 w/ch in bridged mode. You can bridge them by pushing a button on the back of the amp, then connecting to the two positive lead terminations labeled for bridged usage. They sounded ... 
Dynamic Speaker Cable?
My advise, FWIW: If your looking for speed, dynamic presentation, truth of timber and detail in a speaker cable at a reasonable price try the Analysis Plus Silver Ovals. I prefer the Oval Nines myself as the Nines are a tad less "bright" in its ov...