
Responses from marqmike

Are cables additive or subtractive?
If this makes any sense here it is. I have Van den Hul ’The First’ ic’s. They seem to take the most away in the sound that is electronicy, edgey, glary, thin, ghosty, and leaves a more natural sound. I have some audio art 3SE’s that seem to make t... 
Are cables additive or subtractive?
Both it seems. I use them as small final sound adjustments. Sometimes it adds something I like and sometimes it takes something away I like. I have about 8 sets of different ic's. And to me I t seems I can count on them changing the sound the same... 
Van Morrison Latest Record Project
I don't get tired of Van or John. They have created a ton of good sound art.    
Where did you buy your first audio gear?
Technics receiver and Koss headphones in 1972 at about 3000 south State St Salt Lake City, Inkley’s Camera Shop, about 3 years later I got a Yamaha Natural Sound CR 820 receiver, Tannoy Cheviots, Technics Direct Drive turntable and ortofon cartrid... 
cheapest cable upgrade ever
I appreciate the sharing and the post antigrunge2. Thanks I will try it, because it is so easy. Thanks again.  
What are we objectivists missing?
  djones51 We can measure the audible spectrum for humans. We can even measure the spectrum for dogs and dolphins so I have no idea what your asking for. Thyname +1 You are confusing "listening" skills with "hearing" abilities. Not sure if on ... 
First impressions of the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s
Thanks Bdp24. I have the Gaia III on one set of speakers and they were a nice improvement on carpet over concrete in my basement. And so I wanted the Gaia II on my other speakers also. Now I will get the pods and make my own out riggers. Nice and ... 
Sierra Eagleson - New Videos
Beautiful. Thanks  
What do modern, current day CD Transports do that older CDP's with RCA digital out don't?
I hope this doesn't hi jack this thread. I hope this is in the spirit of the thread. If not I apologize. I have an old Theta Pearl CDT, Late 1980's I believe. I have had it about 10 years and works great. And sounds noticeably better than my Maran... 
song recommendations for Klipsch Heresy IV's?
If they are like my old heresy's, some 'fleetwood mac', some 'heart' sounded pretty darn good.  
In Classical music the effect of SQ on appreciation
Nicely put. 'Start out with the focus truly on the music and I think a lot of the angst goes away.' If find that I do that, and when I do I find that my 15,000.00 system sounds very satisfying. That is compared to hundred thousand dollar systems... 
Apologies to TMR Audio
Well done @joeyfed55   
When choosing new Speakers, what matters most to you?
Stereo 5  + 1  
A person in Colorado that can repair a Belles amp
That is a good idea. Thank you wturkey  
How do you know when a stereo sounds good?
Music is a language of sorts. So when I start grasping the message of the music. In other words, when I am hanging on the expressions of the musicians as if they a reading me an compelling story, it starts to sound good to me. As a person who has ...