3C24 tube amp recently converted to 812 ouput power tubes.

My 3C24 amp was recently converted to use 812 power output tubes. It has changed this amplifier dramatically, making it the best sounding amplifier this humble ancient audiophiler has ever heard.

Last night, I played the Dvorak String Quartets, G Major OP. 106 & F Major OP. 96 "American" by  Pavel Hass Quartet.

It was shocking how huge the quartet souded in my room. I was transfixed, mouth agape. I still can't get over how shockingly real it sounded in my room. 

So good!


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Thank you for your post Dan. . I was blessed by your attitude and honesty! Your wife is lucky to have you as her husband. I hope and pray you have both the years and strength to care for your wife as you desire.  


I really appreciate your comments. My wife has been the hardest working woman I've ever known. She loved gardening so much, in the summer, it would be dark outside and she would still be out in the yard working..

I view her in total admiration, so now my job is a bit different. She doesn't remember where the kitchen or bathroom is, or that her mother passes away in Thailand around ten years ago, but we're able to still have a bit of fun now and then. Being happy is how I choose to live, we all get different difficulties thrown at as we age, just don't make life too important to enjoy it. Appreciate and enjoy, that's my motto.

Peace to you my audio brother.


' just don't make life too important to enjoy it. Appreciate and enjoy, that's my motto'.

Beautiful and kind view Dan. Thank you for those words.