

Responses from mapman

If your whole system costs $40,000....
I'd estimate my main system (digital source included only) cost about 15-17K retail.The cost to me was about 8-9K.My main digital source is computer music server, DAC, + Squeezebox Touch, total cost ~ 1.6K with main and backup disk storage.That's ... 
If your whole system costs $40,000....
A system is only as good as the weakest link.Most modern CD players are pretty good. You have to have a very well tuned system in other more problematic aspects first, especially in regards to amp/speaker/room/listening position integration. Then ... 
best wood for speaker cabinets ? oak,cherry, balti
The one that looks best?Seriously, you need to focus on what is best for that specific Audio Note kit.Audio Note is a line that seems to focus a lot on optimizing the design and performance of their products. Personally, I would not muck with the ... 
If your whole system costs $40,000....
If you have $40,000 to drop on a system, you have many choices for a good CD player. Try some well received ones and see. Buy used so you can sell and change without taking a loss. Start with the Cambridge Azur 840c (a very solid performer) and go... 
If you could bring back one great artist that has
Armstrong, definitely. Davis, sure why not.Cobain and Joplin? Not the most uplifting performers, though talented, but whatever. Maybe they would have pulled themselves together and taken it to another level? OR if they ever straightened themselves... 
Celtic Thunder
Horslips. Yes! have not thought about or listened to them in awhile.Need to go spin "The Book of Invasions" tonight.Good stuff! 
McIntosh vs. Marantz ...... sonics?
Mc is a big line to compare, but in general it's a step up, unless the distinctive but typically loose, warm and relatively average (in my opinion) vintage sound of the popular vintage Marantz receivers is what you like.Unless the vintage Marantz ... 
I am looking to get more bass out of my system
AM is right that your amp must be up to the task of delivering more bass (ie power, current as needed) otherwise an equalizer will not help.Its all relative though so sometimes cuts in other frequencies can produce results better than a boost in t... 
I am looking to get more bass out of my system
If you are looking for more bass than is say "natural" to certain recordings, then a graphic or parametric equalizer is a reasonable solution.If it were me, these days, I would look to do the equalizing in the digital rather than analogue domain i... 
Do powercords make a difference in sound?
Chad329,I think you have the right perspective.Good luck! 
What Product Did You Overspend On?
Well, my Bel Canto ref1000 mkII amps are my biggest splurge, even used. I might have gotten close or similar performance for less perhaps, but I was deterined to not cut corners iwth my latest amp purchase and I cannot really find any fault with t... 
If you could bring back one great artist that has
Assuming they resume at age and performance level at the time they passed, John Lennon no doubt.Janis Joplin? Really?Duke Ellington would also be a contender.Jim Morrison could have been an interesting choice assuming he also cleaned up his act fr... 
speakers for tube amp
Triangle Speakers are worth a look. Very high value, great sound, and tube friendly in general. 
High Current Class-D Amps for Maggies?
Class D is a good choice for Maggies because they love power more so than current and Class D gives you a lot of bang for the buck and in a small package to boot.If I still had Maggies, I would only be looking either at lower power tube (80 waatts... 
help with music?
The best way these days to get exposure to new music you might like is via web music applications like Pandora that will play music similar to that you provide as a seed.Or just find a few good internet radio stations for the genere of interest. R...