

Responses from mapman

What's your favorite lyric from a song?
"A natural beauty should be preserved like a monument, in nature."Natural Beauty - Neil Young 
Power cord with warm treble + very solid bass ?
No such thing.If your rig is capable of doing what you want, a good power cord might help it do it better, but a power cord alone has no inherent sound characteristics. 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
yes, records were designed to be frozen. Hence they sound best at the poles and sound quality deteriorates significantly at the equator and around Marisa Miller.Playback in the cold vacuum of outer space is the real treat. No bad room acoustics! T... 
Strange Klipsch thing
"The actual hearing process differs."OK. So please explain what's the point you are trying to make? I'm not getting it?Are you saying its our ears fault that the presentation they receive via headphones is nothing like that they might hear via a s... 
Strange Klipsch thing
Unsound,OK, but how does that compromise my point?With headphones, the spatial cues are still in the recordings and location is not reproduced like the original. Call that omission or distortion, take your pick. Here is the wikipedia general defin... 
Who stay with Merlin longest time
"i have changed my focus from the sub to the completion of the master vsm and tsm."I'm wondering what that will entail? 
Anticables Review
I wonder how Anti Cables sound compared to the alternate minimalist and well reviewed DNM IC? The DNMs are my favorite unshielded ICs to date though there are many I have not tried or compared. 
Strange Klipsch thing
"Mapman, headphones introduce their own set of perception peculiarities that compromise your point."How's that? 
The best speaker you ever heard?
"it had an amazing impact basically removing the sidewalls and the speaker walls"So you are saying these treatments essentially turned your room into an anechoic chamber? I don't doubt they have a positive effect used properly, but that sounds lik... 
Strange Klipsch thing
"Would be a sin of omission not a coloration or distortion."Matter of perspective I suppose, but if the 3-d cues are there and not presented accurately, how is this different than watching a 3-D tv picture without the glasses needed to see it prop... 
Strange Klipsch thing
"No depth is a illusion. It doesn't exist its a trick of the senses like stereo. "All of audio playback is an illusion and a reproduction but not "real". Soundstage depth is no different than any other aspect of good sound. It can exist in the rea... 
Strange Klipsch thing
Yes.For it to work well, the subtle 3 dimensional sound cues are captured in the recording to various degrees (or not).Then the playback system reproduces them in the 3-D space of your listening room, to the extent that the playback system is accu... 
Strange Klipsch thing
The thing is, I do not see how there can be any depth of soundstage without reflected sound. Our choices in general regarding how we locate speakers away from rear walls in order to get depth of soundstage would seem to support this. Every system ... 
Strange Klipsch thing
"Reflected sound. So what you guys are saying is that depth is a coloration."I'm not, but I suppose you could call it that if you are in the camp that says all reflected sound is bad and should be avoided. It's an impossible goal in most any actua... 
Strange Klipsch thing
Yep, distance from rear wall and associated reflected sound is needed to create imaging depth.mbl omni's set up accordingly do this to the max.