

Responses from mapman

Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?
You have a pretty detailed amp and very resolving speakers (Merlins?) I believe also.Unless ultimate detail and resolution is your thing, ARC may not be the way to go in your case.I think you are on a good track. I would love tohear the resulting ... 
What is your most beautiful component?
My Audio Research, Bel Canto and Dynaudio stuff is very nice looking for audio gear. Even the Carver stuff though build quality is technically lesser. But I would not go so far as to call any audio gear beautiful, with the one exception I noted in... 
Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?
I think any of those pre-amps are good choices.ARC sp16 uses 6 12AX7 tubes, three in the line stage and 3 in the phono.My TAD 125s and my ARC SP16 are in different systems. Would like to try them together someday with the Dynaudio monitors and OHM... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
BTW, Unsound, if you have only heard the newer OHM Walshes on similar modest systems, you probably have not heard them at their best and I could more easily understand your not being wowed with those either. 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Yes the biggest problem I have with horns is the ones that sound really good to me are big and expensive at which point they tend to lose their benefit overall for me.If I could fit the better ones I have heard and afford them as well, they would ... 
Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?
What amp will it be used with? The TAD 125s? With ARC, I'd expect those to provide a most resolving sound similar to the best tube gear I have heard, which tends to resemble SS more.VTl and DeHavilland made my short list when looking probably can'... 
Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?
Remember with a tube pre-amp and SS amp, it is important to go with an amp that has higher input impedance (I prefer 60K Ohm or higher in general, but 40K is probably OK). How high will vary depending on pre-amp output impedance peaks at certain f... 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
"I hope when I retire I will have the time to stop what I am doing and flip the darn thing over. "Good Point.I will likely have an appt with a lot of my records when I retire someday.Right now the digital is sounding good too and allows me to sque... 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
I have a lot of albums. They are remnants of a bygone era, I like them and would not sell them (too much work to value properly and again I still like them). I still listen to them on occasion when in the mood or when I want to hear something I do... 
Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?
Audio Research is a safe bet. sp16 fits the bill more or less. Includes a decent tube phono section as well. 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
"I don't understand how a 4" driver, even if has high efficiency due to horn loading, can move enough air to have much dynamics."Its all relative and depend on room size but basically teh answer is it can't compete in an apples/apples test.Unsound... 
Top 5 Hamburgers
Red Robin burgers are also usually very good. 
Top 5 Hamburgers
Just had a 5 Guys dog for lunch.Yum!Their burgers are good too.I hear the Big Kahuna is the best. 
Harmonic Technology Interconnects
My experience is limited with HArmonic Tech but I have and have used .5m Truth Link ICs and found them to be very transparent overall, ie these seemed to impose little if any sound of their own. 
Which components are "stupid good"?
I heard a pair of big buck Focal Grand Utopias recently.Very good. Very expensive. Very BIG!Came home and listened to my OHM 5 series 3 that cost me less than 1/5th what the GUs would cost.Stupid good! At least in comparison in my room. I suspect ...