

Responses from mapman

Logitech Squeezebox sound compared to CD Player
My sound with sb touch is not veiled and I use wireless. Wireless should have no effect on sound quality. What is the reasoning behind claims that wireless is veiled? 
Can NOLA's "Boxer" compete with big floorstanders?
"I will acknowledge that some of the soundstage is probably created by the speakers and the room they're in rather than an exact reproduction of the recorded venue, but there is still good image location and palpability within that soundstage, may... 
How Many Audiophiles Have Do You Know?
I've met a lot who like good music and sound and had good sounding systems but who never formally labeled themselves as an audiophile. If only they knew what they were missing..... 
Experience with Denon 100th Anniversary Components
Hmm, anniversary products are an interesting breed.I wonder if they are mostly the vendor's way of getting the consumer to pay more as a tribute/anniversary gift to them? Interesting marketing concept. Not sure of the value to the consumer unless ... 
Cable maintenance
Maybe take the wires to a nice spa and have all that done for you?A chocolate bath with a thorough rinse might really revitalize those tired old wires. 
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus
Yes, but I think there is value in pointing out that visions of grandeur be it in music or any other facets of life can be a double edged sword. 
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus
I have great appreciation for classical music but claims of its innate superiority do bring up in my mind some nasty historical facts associated that would seem to contradict any claims of associated purity of spirit. 
"Audiophile Jabberwocky"
There is no rule that says the original is always better. That's an audiophile myth that leads to tone controls, signal processing etc. being reviled. Many enhancements are possible during the copy process that may produce preferred if not necessa... 
Affordable "audiophile" network player?
"on't you still need a computer and a DAC? Computer is needed for your own music server but not for web/internet sources.Touch has a decent DAC built in so you only need a separate one if you want or need to tweak from there.Why I really like the ... 
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus
"Silly,classical music is the highest acheivement of the wetern world"Orchestrating music sure beats out orchestrating wars in terms of high achievement.What is it again that makes classical music so much better than all the rest?Harder to create ... 
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus
Schubert must be somewhat popular in that his music is still reknowned years later, as is the case with many famous classical composers.So are you saying that Schubert should be topping the charts and not the BEPs or Katy Perry?Will today's pop ac... 
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus
Just sour grapes from a bunch of old codgers still living like they did 50 years ago except their tube gear and record players now cost 50X as much and still can't deliver on the hip hop. :-) 
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus
And you expected.....?So what. Pop music is what it is. Take it or leave it. Lots of other choices out there.Katy Perry is a lot hotter than MJ though.Barbra Streisand (even in her prime) and Bob Marley too!I bet even The Partridge Family outsold ... 
Affordable "audiophile" network player?
Not aware of anything out currently that can touch the SB Touch in this category. 
Logitech Squeezebox sound compared to CD Player
THe DAC in the newer TOuch is supposedly better than prior models and some have praised it, especially for the price.I use external DACs only. TOuch + good external DAC to personal taste is hard to fault IMHO.