

Responses from mapman

why do we argue?
"My answer to the original question: like everything else, it's about control (and sometimes manipulation) of others."Bingo!That's basically it.Sometimes but not always a sinister thing. Motives will vary. Could be a humanitarian gesture to help a... 
What makes music so congested?
Probably at a local record store (Record and Tape Traders) years back. It was the one usually stocked for years until yet newer remasters came out as I recall.If you check the rear label that remaster from that year is clearly labeled that it is r... 
why do we argue?
It's Fathers Day.Argument ceasefire until tomorrow? 
Analytical or Musical Which way to go?
I'm sticking to my position in my first post. This is really a futile discussion. 
comparison between SS Spectral and LAMM tube amp
From what I have heard with Avalon + good SS amps (Boulder), I would not even think about a tube amp unless it were absolute top notch, along the line of a better VAC amp or something similar, ie not much different sounding than a really good SS a... 
Ayre, wow
No surprise a variety of quality sounds with those Dynaudios! I would expect them to sound much as you describe on various amps.I've heard the Mani's (off large SS Mc amps) and liked them a lot but never extended listens or comparison with the Dyn... 
Thoughts from THE Show, is $29k the new $10k?
"Notice how the sensitivity decreases around 1kHz which just happens to be the upper end of the female voice? I think this chart is based on data from married men :)""what a piece of work is man..."Natural Selection at it's finest. 
Thoughts from THE Show, is $29k the new $10k?
Audio Frequency ChartAlso provides linked info on ideal human ear sensitivity at the various frequencies. 
Thoughts from THE Show, is $29k the new $10k?
"u must be an alien from another planet. I have worked extensively with the House Hearing Institute. They have performed more detailed hearing tests on more human beings than any group in the world. No males over 50 have ever heard over 10.5 KHz. ... 
Insanely Expensive....and Worth Every Penny
"Insanely expensive" is all in the eye of the beholder I suppose.I bought a pair of $6000 Bel Canto REF 1000m amps used for ~ a 40% discount compared to new. THis is the most I have ever spent on a single piece of gear (actually 2 monoblocks).Give... 
Nasty slap echo
"You say that in jest, but if the top of the chair is above your head it does affect what you hear. "Yes, in jest, and yes it is above my head (when not reclining) and yes can no doubt affect what you hear, leather or otherwise FBOFW, due to proxi... 
Thoughts from THE Show, is $29k the new $10k?
Hope to attend the upcoming Capital Audiofest in July and hear some new things. Looks like a good lineup worth checking out. I was at the inaugural 2 years ago and that was good. Plus it seems to grow each year. 
why do we argue?
"Others feel that something like the HiFi fuse has to be explained to them , that there has to be scientific proof to validate the claims."At the risk of further fuse related controversy, not proof but it never hurts to be able to identify somethi... 
Audiogon's most knowledgeable PC Audio gurus?
Yes, gotta admit I thought of Pettyofficer too when I first saw this thread. Almarg and Steve Nugent are good choices. Kijanki is another whose posts on the topic I generally take to heart. 
Ideas for Krell-ish sound, but less heat?
I've heard some very good and very bad systems with Krell amps. The common link among the good ones have been use with Martin Logan speakers. I have heard similar sound with MLs using Classe amplifiers. Have also heard Krell amps sound very good s...