

Responses from mapman

Best Class A amp with SLAM
Probably true.Amp + speakers both matter. Biggest baddest amp + biggest baddest most efficient full range speakers with slam to match probably wins in the end. COuld be a commercial system geared towards a large venue or arena most likely and over... 
Pulling the trigger on pricey equipment
THis is a very interesting and valuable topic! One takes a huge risk buying expensive used stuff that has to be shipped, whether here or anywhere. I shy away from larger or more expensive items that have to be shipped in general and look more for ... 
Next upgrade on Usher & Primaluna rig??
If the issue is mainly room acoustics at this point, then equalization of some sort is certainly a viable option. Audyssey is one solution that others whose opinion I trust have leveraged with great success. 
Which $500 Speaker Next?
I picked up my smaller pair of OHM Walsh speakers (100 series3 drivers in refurbed Walsh 2 cabinets) for $600 used here on Agon a few years back.They are my favorites in general of all I have tried in my various sized rooms, especially for the pri... 
Next upgrade on Usher & Primaluna rig??
DOug,CAn you recommend a specific package of tweaks along the lines you identify to address the OPS issues?THat would help take the guesswork out of that approach at this point as opposed to focusing on optimal amp.speaker matching, which to me is... 
Next upgrade on Usher & Primaluna rig??
I suspect at this point for significant change you either need higher efficiency more tube amp friendly speakers or throw more power and current at the Ushers. Rogue Sphynx hybrid integrated might be worth a try for that. 
Any thoughts/recommendations on electronics
little to loose to try. willing to bet it sounds great. 
Woohoo & yippee
Well, the amp you are using does not appear to be a slouch by any means. Either old or new amp should do fine with those speakers. And room is not big. I'm thinking you will hear a difference between the two, but perhaps not a huge one on the gran... 
Best Class A amp with SLAM
probally really depends more on the speaker/amp combination for the resulting slam."Absolutely it does. The BEST amp with slam is probably the one that can do it best with most any speaker that is up to the task in most any room.Kinda like how Pey... 
Woohoo & yippee
P,Tell us what your current system is then we can all demonstrate our psychic (or psycho depending on perspective) powers by telling you what to expect in relation to that. 
Best Class A amp with SLAM
" the new krell amps have a different sound flavor, some may prefer it, I do not, there is nothing like the old school slam of Krell!,"What's exactly is different about newer Krell compared to old? 
Best Class A amp with SLAM
Tube tester included...nice!Auto-bias...that should help a lot.I recall VAC features that on some of their best amps and touts how hard it is to pull off properly.Now I just need the black Friday sale..... Since we're talking CLass A here, I won't... 
Any Boston Acoustic sub fans?
I have an outstanding project to undertake to refurb a pair of old Boston a40 monitors and an older M&K sub sitting in my basement together. This should make for a very nice combo someday when done. 
Interesting vintage find
A well matched system from back then in good working order can easily compete still today. The digital source (CD player) is probably the part where technology has advanced the most since 1985. I would be looking to compare something newer though ... 
Best Class A amp with SLAM
Atmasphere, I bet those would drive my OHMs nicely!Any deep Black Friday discounts coming up?Seriously, how practically does one keep all the tubes on a device like that functioning properly? I imagine a relatively small investment in a good tube ...