Responses from mapman
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz I will find it more interesting when I hear people here swoon and then actually pay. Especially if no previous high cost wire that can be sold off to help fund the change/upgrade.I would not be so lucky. Sour grapes I suppose. :^) | |
Size of Midrange Drivers 8" drivers typically cover bass and midrange to some extent in most 2-way designs I have seen.3 ways use a dedicated midrange and do not handle lower bass frequencies so size is typically smaller accordingly.I am not sure that there is really any ... | |
Is It Ironic? "Yes, too much resolution sometimes can be a bad thing - when listening to some horrible recordings from 50 years ago. They sounded OK on less resolving system."I have some old 78 RPM records that I converted to digital and listen to along with al... | |
Keep or sell Yamaha PX-2 turntable? Why not just listen, compare and decide on your own as you see fit? | |
What are the "new" brands in amps and pre-amps Not sure where to draw the line between new and old, so I just list the ones I have heard that do that particularly well.Audio Research, Bel Canto, mhdt, Dynaudio, Triangle, OHM, mbl, Magico, DCS, PSB, Daedalus, Rockport, Totem, Tidal, Cathedral, ... | |
Is It Ironic? "The question though, is more resolution always a good thing?"It's a good question. Some might say "no". I would say yes. If you have it, there are many ways to control it to one's tastes via tweaks, etc.If you don't have it, you do not know what ... | |
Is It Ironic? "Second, many of the reference recordings used to judge the improvement in equipment are 50 years old. I find that ironic."Well, it would not be possible to compare old equipment no longer used with new recordings that did not exist back then wher... | |
Is It Ironic? True I would not equate high quality "touchstone" recordings from the 1950s with 19th century photography in terms of technical merit, but I still like the analogy as an example of why technology done better is ALWAYS better. There are plenty of g... | |
Is It Ironic? "The idea being, even though the picture is old, you'll still benefit from viewing it through a new window. "Sounds right. The new window will deliver more benefit for everything. But in the case of the old photo, it may be good enough to apprecia... | |
Is It Ironic? Turntables are one thing that one will likely pay a premium for these days if bought new compared to vintage models. That's of course because records used to be everywhere and there was lots of decent quality gear to play them on. I suspct the bes... | |
Is DEQX a game changer? Have not heard and do not know how well executed (always the key), but I agree that the theory seems sound and the approach practical, so definitely something that would be worth hearing for me and I would go in optimistic about hearing some good ... | |
Who uses home brew cables? It's true that wires are the easiest thing for one to make themselves. Almost anyone can do it, and if it works even half decently might even be profitable to sell. All that it requires to work is a circuit. And its probably reasonable to expect t... | |
How loud is loud? Digital audio provides a very good platform for dealing with things like Fletcher-Munson, when needed. Much better than old fashioned analog loudness buttons.There is an unlimited # of ways audio CAN be processed digitally, many for good reason. D... | |
Is It Ironic? Nice analogy Viridian!Chances are the OLDER photograph would be less resolved and the harder of the two to discern information from accordingly and would up the ante in terms of what is needed to get good results. | |
Absorption panels on ceiling..what to expect? If at primary reflection points on the ceiling, I would expect the soundstage to be more biased towards the other directions than currently due to less reflected sound from above. Panels generally absorb higher frequencies better as well, so I wou... |