Responses from mapman
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Al, right amps and volts are two different things. Fuses protect against current/amps. Thanks for that clarification.Countdown resumed.... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Al,Are you saying the 500V rating is safe even though it is twice what the vendor specifies because such an event /surge can never happen?Also I’m wondering if the 500V rating alone compared to most fuses rated for US standard voltage at 120 volts... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hmm, Ok issue # 1 for me with this fuse may be a show stopper in that it appears to not match my ARC pre-amp fuse specs.ARC sp 16 manual indicates it takes a 3A, 230V slo blow fuse.Syn. Red fuse is T 3.15A, 500V.T indicates slo blow I believe (ch... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Oregonpapa,Red quantum fuse just arrived. Nice looking fuse, nicely packaged in original box. Seems to have some weight to it compared to most fuses as I remember. Thanks!I will take it home with me today and see what happens. Might get to try it ... | |
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable Mamboni probably has more experience in all aspects of music including listening than most anyone in these parts.There are many ways to tweak effectively but I'd think twice before discounting what he said. It makes perfect sense. | |
"Epic" compositions worth giving a spin "A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers". Van Der Graff Generator"Remember the Future" and "A Tab in the Ocean". Nektar"Eruption". Focus"Close to the Edge" Yes"Arriving Somewhere But Not Here". Porcupine Tree"Dabsong Concerto". And "Nine Feet Underground"... | |
Keith Emerson of ELP.....Rest in Peace! Never saw them live. My loss. | |
Now Keith Emerson is gone... A true late 20th century musical pioneer and hugely talented. He trail-blazed in a most unique and formative time in history of pop/rock music. Music critic's didn't get ELP and demonized them but true music lovers out there knew they were heari... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Wolf,Once I get all that I will surely be hooked and hired ninja assassins may not be able to make me part with my new friends.We'll see.... :^) | |
What is best turntable for listening to Rock from the sixties like Led Zeppelin? Pretty much any good quality one set up right. Most Led Zep recordings are not very challenging on the grande scale of things. But any good table set up right should be able to deliver what's there and make any Zep fan pretty happy. | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... OP,These are computer systems engineers like me. Not EEs,. Some of which are interested in hifi, some not.They like to know what makes things tick in general, but are smart enough to know what they know and what they do not and act accordingly. It... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Ok, so now I have no clue what in the blue hell these quantum chips do or when to use them or not.Good thing this is just audio and not prescription drugs. The ramifications of trying things blindly just because would be much higher.With audio, wh... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... "So which is it, you think fuses work, you think fuses don’t work?’I think it is definitely possible that different fuses could make things sound different at least in some cases. I’ve posted that on many occasions. I've never said they don't work | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... But seriously, Mopman, how does my vendor status enter into a discussion of fuses? I don’t sell fuses? You seem to be saying vendors can’t participate in discussions on ANY topic and should be banned from the site. You're a smart guy. Figure i... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... I have no conflict of interest either. I even cited how the fuses might make a difference. But I am also not an EE. So reduce my skeptic rating accordingly please. :^) OP, if you really want me to try the 3Amp fuse, go ahead and send it ... |