

Responses from mapman

Klipsch K Horns (the new AK6)
High efficiency and load are of course two different things. Getting a good match is always critical but the speakers that will work well with the widest variety of amps are those with an easy load, like Daedulus and Fritz, not necessarily those t... 
Ohm "Tall "speakers: Overall 2000 responses on a thread from 2008
Misstl I also run a pair of OHMs off a Bel Canto c5i.   Mine are Ohm 100s series 3 which is an 8" driver in vintage Walsh 2 cabinets.    Very nice!   
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
Life as a whole is pretty much just one big gigantic freakin miracle and that goes double for recordings and hifi.   
Looks vs. Performance - How would you mix and match?
How about a sansui 9090db or Pioneer sx 1280 receiver refitted with a good modern high current Class D amp? 
Recommendations for Vintage Speakers
If you keep an eye on the outlet store link on ohmspeakers.com vintage OHM models refurbed with new components regularly come up for sake there for about the same as original cost. Or if you contact OHM there may be others available not posted. Or... 
Ohm "Tall "speakers: Overall 2000 responses on a thread from 2008
The current xx00 line came out since 2008.  John Strohbeen always describes the difference as "evolutionary but not revolutionary".  I heard the current line at Cap Audiofest last year.  Did not hear anything radically different from my models at ... 
What is your favorite High EFF speaker
Not efficient but easy load not huge or bulky and amazingly one of best of show last year off a low watt headphone amp: Fritz Carerra. 
I jumped
They had a used pair of the Emerald Physics with external crossover box at a used gear shop in Manheim Pa recently that were going for a steal price for the sound I heard and was tempted but yeah I am down with smaller and simpler these days, so I... 
Again the topic of weight of amps
Like any amp, some people like certain Class D amps and some do not. Some do not like any though I would tend to doubt they have heard them all. Only way to find out is to identify candidates and try one like I did to test the waters. Nevertheless... 
Again the topic of weight of amps
Yes, Class D amp technology enables amps to be much more efficient and much smaller. For high end, check out Bel Canto ref600m amps for example. Or even the Fosi amps on Amazon, which are most affordable and about the size of a pack of cigarettes. 
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong
...which is probably just fine for most applications save the more challenging ones audiophiles tend to favor. 
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong
golf, NP.Can’t say for sure but what I was able to find about the Mivera amps referenced the Icepower site for specs, so likely its just that Icepower module in a nice box, which perhaps is just not up to the task of driving demanding "audiophile"... 
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong
All amps work better with higher-impedance loudspeakers.WHere they differ is how well they work into more difficult loads.The ref1000ms do fine with most speakers. None I have tried dip down to 2ohm that I know of, but then again I would tend to a... 
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong
Are you building your own amp using that module?  If not what specific amp using that module are you talking about?   Sorry if I missed that. 
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong
IS 1200as2 the IcePower module? What amps specifically are you referring to that use it?The overall design matters. For example a Bel Canto ref1000 (older ice module in a nice box) is not the same as a ref1000m which is same ice module + custom in...