

Responses from mapman

This year at RMAF: ....and now for something completely.....Affordable
Whats playing on your system today?
John Lennon/Paul McCartney Songbook - Keely Smith.  
Nasty Static on Vinyl
Is the air dry? Try a humidifier perhaps. Take care to avoid dragging feet when moving around and handling the records. Carbon fibre brushes work. Some can be permantly mounted on table if needed. Zerostats help.https://www.maplatine.com/en/conten... 
static Issues...anybody know why?
https://www.maplatine.com/en/content/267-how-do-you-reduce-static-electricity-on-records-Good advice. Carbon fiber brush and anti static sleeves work well for me. Had a Zerostat back in the day.  It worked. I’ll buy the theory that the different c... 
Thinking of buying a new DAC - Shiit Yggdrasil?
I see Schitt has their first turntable coming out that looks very nice.  A lot of old Micro Seiki like design features for <$1000.   
static Issues...anybody know why?
Double ouch.  
2ch Upgrade for Unfocused Listening
For the big sweet spot essentially the whole room perhaps consider these. https://ohmspeaker.com/ 
This new McIntosh integrated looks like a winner
That's one hot looking mama! 
Interest in Ohm speakers
Seems like he gets it.For those curious and able I read another third party will be demo’ing OHMs along with other "affordable" speakers in a gofundme funded penthouse room at RMAF. 
High value, giant killer speakers?
Yes at Capital Audio Fest.  
High value, giant killer speakers?
The Fritz “secret sauce” is his “series” crossover designs that provide a benign load for amps to drive which gets more bang per buck out of the amp. It works! I’ve heard not particularly efficient Fritz Carerra run off a flea power headphone tube... 
DAC: Before I jump in...
My old mhdt Constantine is getting a bit long in the tooth as DACs go but stil love it. Wish mhdt would come out with a new DAC like it ie sans tube. 
Top Ten "Definitions of an Audiophile"
Dunno but here is a rare actual photo of one:https://hometheaterreview.com/do-you-need-to-love-music-to-be-a-true-audiophile/ 
The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?
In his younger days my dog listened intently with me. Head up, ears twitching on queue, very content and relaxed. 🐕 
What I’ve learned, so far
Audible distortion has been cured.  Synergy among components is paramount.