

Responses from mapman

Dick Dale
Pet Sounds: Most Overrated Album of All Time?
The Empre State Building was a marvel in its day and still is but it now has a lot of competition.  
How much do we at A'gon influence the industry?
LEt's just say if audiogon suddenly shut down it would not be a good thing for high end audio, though the actual # people affected in the grand scheme of things would be minimal. 
New Buyer Paralyzed with Indecision and $5k…
Lot’s of good choices out there so confusing at first for sure.Rogue Sphinx is a very good choice.If it were me I’d be looking at OHM Walsh speakers again in your case.https://ohmspeaker.com/I’d advise anyone already nervous to steer clear of tube... 
anybody buying into magnetic levitation "eliminates the effects of any vibration" ?
Putting powerful magnets near electronic gear sounds like a bad idea in general to me. 
Dick Dale
+1 Schubert. 
Soundstaging and Imaging: Not an Illusion
Is Gk off his meds again today? 
Dick Dale
Very sad to hear that. Big Dick Dale fan here! I saw him in concert in a small ballroom venue a few years back. Besides putting on an awesome performance he stayed and chatted with us after the concert. His is the only concert photo I have up in m... 
Is There a Speaker for Me/Impossible Requirements? (budget: $2000)
I've always thought Sennheiser phones and Ohm Walsh speakers have an overall more laid back sonic similarity along the lines you indicate appeal to you FWIW.   I've had several of each. The Ohms still draw me in best overall.  
Why no Class D integrated love? (from manufacturers)
I listen to the beautiful totally engaging music they produce effortlessly with my big Ohm F5s or any other speaker I choose at any volume I choose,  without ever breaking a sweat. I also run a pair of Kef ls50s off them in a smaller room (along w... 
Why no Class D integrated love? (from manufacturers)
C5i is all digital. Analog inputs are converted to digital.   My only reservation is I wish it were more than 60w/ch.  The Bel Canto ref1000m Class D amps in my main rig are 500w/ch. Dark side? Could be. In what way? Going digital? I haven’t arriv... 
How many brands use own drivers?
Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?
Fritz Carerra. 
Best speakers for classic rock
Cerwin Vega if its all about the bass, bout the bass, not the treble (or midrange for that matter).Look for used OHMs otherwise.  Model L, C2, Walsh, others   Those can even be upgraded at teh factory to modern specs if desired. 
Why no Class D integrated love? (from manufacturers)
Here is some Class D integrated love to help fill the void:  I love my Bel Canto c5i digital Class D integrated I picked up used right here on teh Gon for <$1000.