Responses from mapman
Why cuts into vinyl covers? There used to be this thing called the budget bin in record stores. The records in there were much cheaper, just a dollar or few, and often the covers were notched or a hole punched to designate them as budget bin and keep the value down permanently. | |
Emotional rollercoaster It’s much easier to buy integrated gear that works well rather than integrate it yourself.The Bel Canto c5i digital integrated amp is a good example. Has most everything you need and will work well with most any speaker. Why do people with no expe... | |
Emotional rollercoaster We don’t know what we really want a lot of the time. You can’t hit the target until you know what it is. Random upgrades may well get you nowhere fast. Better to first hear the sound you want and know what it is then pursue achieving it. You have ... | |
Wisdom of buying high priced digital gear (given new advancements underway) Cost of quality digital gear tends to get lower as technology advances so something to always keep in mind. | |
best-sounding class D amp? I don’t know about “warm” sounding class d amps, but a tube pre-amp used with a Class D amp can achieve that. You want the amp to have 60kohm or higher input impedance to work well with tube preamps which tend to have significantly higher output i... | |
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week Just looking up the ref 1000m specs (Class D, very green) for comparison.Each monoblock draws no power in standby and 15 watts otherwise and deliver 500 w/ch into 8 ohm, 1000 into 4, and advertised to handle 2 ohm as well. Peak current 45 amps. Do... | |
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week Teajay, thanks for the info. | |
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week They should really get that information out there on the web site to make it more official especially for products like this that require a significant investment and might have other special things to consider. Info through the grapevine is not t... | |
Ennio Morricone has passed away He was a very influential composer who leaves a wonderful musicallegacy for people to explore. Streaming is your friend!Rock/pop Audiophile fans: start with the “Ecstasy of Gold” intro on Metallica’s S&M release. If that does not get your bloo... | |
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week I don't see a model 8 or 16 on the Coda website? Looking for more info...specs, etc.? | |
Whats playing on your system today? I’m streaming The Suppe Overtures MLP recording from my music server. Pretty dynamic and impressive!Dare I suggest someone might need to get their CD player overhauled. Probably painted the CD the wrong color too.A good ear waxing might also be in... | |
Too good a post to waste The only thing of value I’ve read on this thread so far came from.....drum roll....Almarg. | |
Speaker company :HHR exotic speakers That’s disappointing to hear that these new Walsh speakers have similar limitation as the old ie can’t go loud without damage. The Ohm Walsh line with the CLS driver design That replaced the Ohm F definitely solved that problem years ago. In fact ... | |
Recommendations for fast sounding cables DNM Reson very coherent and balanced top to bottom.What amp and speakers specifically? Wires may only be a partial bandaid if amp and speakers are not matched well. | |
What songs/albums/artists actually sound worse when played through audiophile systems? It all sounds better. |