Responses from mapman
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ?? Jerry,Yes, everything sounds better with a Lava Lamp.Those are classic Boston A40s along the side wall, one under chess table. I am original owner and refoamed a couple years back. Great little speakers! I use them for sound off wall mounted TV ab... | |
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ?? Yes. | |
How Do You Live The Audiophile Life I loot and pillage.No wait,that's the Pirate's life..... | |
Looking at Focal Focal, B&W, Magico all have different well documented “house sounds”. I think which one chooses depends on personal preference. Everyone will have a different opinion. Only you will know what’s best for you. | |
best vintage stereo receiver +1 Tandberg 2080. Sold mine to a collector in Norway. | |
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ?? Here is links to my reviews of my Ohms I did here years back when I got them FWIW: | |
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ?? Regarding room treatments, I would only spend effort on that after all else is dialed in and only as an option.If you find the bass to be a bit much or not articulate or obscuring the midrange, do try the isolating pads under the Ohms.In my L shap... | |
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ?? I’m guessing because that looks like a pretty lively room with wood floors so better to not put something too big in there. You can always add bass but not take it away very easily though isolating from the floor can help make more bass less intru... | |
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ?? Ohm Walsh actually need less distance to walls than many others. They are specifically designed for that by default. They will do a wall to wall sound stage normally so giving them room to breathe does have benefit in that sense. | |
Streaming: WiFi or wired?? CakyolThat is true however I have seen some network switch product white papers that claim network Wire noise can make its way Into the signal from streamer to dac where it might have an effect on jitter that might be heard in some cases. The swit... | |
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ?? On upper levels I put my ohm 100s on Auralex subdude pads to tame the bass compared to foundation level. Isolation from suspended plywood floors is almost always a good idea IMHO. | |
Streaming: WiFi or wired?? Go wires so you can put risers under there too. Wireless only for me. Works great. | |
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ?? JS is the expert but in lieu of his calculator I was thinking no larger than 1000s in there. Another cool thing about Ohm Walsh is that room size determines how big and how much. They all sound similar set up well. | |
Are these fake? Don’t worry regulations that protect US from companies willing to poison us to make a buck are being chopped left and right (mostly right) to bring down costs so we can compete economically with China.Between us trying to be more like China and Ch... | |
Prima Lunacy? (SuperTubeClock) Isn’t it convenient to be able to make claims and assertions freely with no facts or evidence to back it up? Also call those who keep tabs on such fake things fake? It’s a very popular pastime these days. |