Responses from mapman
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?) Ha well being driving distance from a place like The Music Room certainly opens up many possibilities! | |
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?) Shorter good quality towers is probably a decent option like monitors, as long as tweets are lower. I would often suggest someone having brightness issues and willing to try something completely different consider Ohm Walsh speakers, which tend to... | |
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?) When it comes to difficult rooms, less/smaller speaker is often the ticket to better results (with fewer room treatments).Once you have a handle on the frequencies where most of the music occurs, ie the midrange, then you might consider adding pow... | |
Difference Maker! You can get ear cleaning kits at any local drugstore. They work well for me. Any way you do it keeping ears clean should be tweak #1. | |
Subwoofer. Great one song. Not so great the next song. Makes sense. Glad the problem was resolved. | |
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?) Maybe others here have knowledge of the amp that might help to clarify what can be expected. In general it’s worthwhile to pay attention to impedance matching amp, pre-amp and speakers. Distortion results otherwise which can produce the symptoms o... | |
Peter Green He was a very interesting person. Very talented but many demons it seems. I’ve seen the documentary and recall he had a tough go of it but that seems like a totally rational conclusion to draw about some getting rich and others not based purely on... | |
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?) Funny thing about burn in .Is it your speakers need time to break in or you mind needs time to get used to the sound you are hearing ? Both can easily come into play. It usually takes some time to be sure about things. | |
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?) Regarding more detail on the upper end, have you ever had that with your setup in the past? What was that setup if so? Not familiar with your amplification but perhaps something could be done there? If you like tubes, take a look at the Linear Tub... | |
Give Bach a try Nice. Thanks for the heads up. | |
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?) With the monitors try putting them on low stands given the low ceiling, maybe with slight tilt back. Also play with toe-in. Brightness can be tamed often by not having direct tweet exposure to ears. Also often helps with soundstage and imaging. Th... | |
What are you streaming tonight? “The Conductor (thin white duke remix)” by The Faint | |
Separates to tube integrated Consider a Rogue hybrid integrated amp like Sphinx or Pharoah with B&W.Generation 3 Sphinx is out and getting some rave reviews. | |
How to judge an amplifier's performance with a "powered-woofer" speaker? Judging an amp with any speaker that includes a powered sub Is like judging a tag team not the individual wrassler. | |
Underrated album: Sonics AND Music Most John Mellancamp Popular songs were very high quality recordings for the genre and good stuff all around. Not 1 clunker on his “Best I Could Do” collection. |