

Responses from mapman

So done with audiophile fuses
Hate it when the dam fuses blow when they are supposed to be sounding good.   It’s almost like they are designed to to that!  Oh well break out the credit card.   
All New Totaldac D100 Loudspeakers....The HOLY GRAIL OF SPEAKERS ?!
Well thanks but no thanks.  I already got one, you see 🏆 
16 years of the same system, time for change?
You have our permission.  
Music is sound, sound can be music
We actually had music class in school as a kid. They taught us music was notes on a scale and how to read and reproduce them. Rap meets that definition Same notes on same scale as all the rest...but essentially infinite ways to apply them. What va... 
Make way for the future....
No doubt advancements in technology has greatly boosted what can be done in an integrated amp in regards to overall performance compared to years past.  I am a believer these days.   Not always the case in years past.  
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?
Discounting science is a popular hobby with people these days it seems. It helps make some feel special I guess to discount things they do not understand and just say they know better and there is always a captive audience for that.  Just like for... 
Make way for the future....
A useful product but one step up from a table radio. A good integrated and a great pair of speakers will do so much more. It is an integrated amp.   A modern integrated amp with modern features.  Do you know that it is not good?  The article think... 
Make way for the future....
Has anyone attempted to replace an existing system with a one box solution like this? The NAD M33 perhaps, which has been out longer, or others? Just wondering if anyone has tried and what was the result.I am always interested in downsizing so a d... 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
Hmm well I agree nobody has to prove anything to anyone.But if one is going to make a claim about x sounding better than y, then it sure helps to be able to test that hypothesis in an unbiased manner.Not required though. Reputation alone can go a ... 
Music Servers, Do They Matter?
" In more analog mindset, does it make as much sense to evaluate a separate music server in the same terms as one might consider a cartridge to a turntable?"Music server hardware, no, not much if at all anymore really in practice. Music server sof... 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?  Set in their ways?  I'd bet that's it! 
Hard to believe all the crap that flows thru an ethernet cable
Seriously just go wireless to your streamer if you think you have a problem.   I have for years and everything is clean crisp and noise free and no bandwidth issues.   If you have bandwidth issues (not likely with most any recent Wifi gear) that t... 
Tekton versus Klipsch
@dsper I heard the Fritz Carerra also off the flea powered tube amp and was amazed at the results. That was in a typical size hotel room. I was ready to buy if I could justify another pair of 4 figure speakers which I could not at the time. Maybe ... 
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse?
Price reduced to $28.50 folks!So is this a $28 fuse that was listed for $2844 or vice versa?   Pretty important to know wouldn't you say?   It can't be nearly as good if only $28.50, lol! 
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse?
They are on sale today! Big discount!  Below cost?   $28.50 is still an expensive fuse. Do the research.