Responses from mapman
Synergistic Research Fuses vs cheaper ceramic fuses I tried a SR red fuse that was given to me to try in my Audio Research preamp. That was the color of the day back then a few years back. Little if any difference. I put the stock fuse from ARC back in and the red fuse has been sitting idle since. | |
Was stunned, and been listening to this quite often.... Dirty Dozen is a fun CD and a good listen. I bet it blew your socks off. Tail Dragger made my music server favorites list. | |
Your tube preamp and ss amp thread Yes major differences but probably more due to overall design of specific amps used than the general operating Class. I would say sound of the Class D Bel Canto amps I use currently resembles sound I have heard in the past with Krell and Classe am... | |
Audiogon Friday Feel Good Story of the Week That's Audiogon at its best! Glad it worked out. | |
Make way for the future.... Was not familiar with that Boulder unit. I bet it is the bomb! NAD m33 gets similar rave reviews supposedly upping the ante from prior models. I wonder how the two compare? Or the CA evo if anyone has heard one yet. Same league at least?FWIW I own... | |
Subwoofer for Kef LS50 Wireless II? OP, Auralex Subdude platform under the sub will help to get the bass under control away from one note and more articulate. Especially if you are not at foundation level and room has suspended plywood floors. | |
Subwoofer for Kef LS50 Wireless II? How are you going about it?I have Ls50 metas and a Klipsch sw308 sub in a smaller 12x12 room. Larger rooms are likely more of a challenge in that the sub will have to do more. Listening to my ls50/sub combo as I type. To get the sub set up right I... | |
Lack of Female Representation No women. No young’uns. This is the place to be! Party on dudes! | |
Where are the young audiophiles? I think the high end should lower prices so more young people can partake. | |
Initial disappointment with 1st set of “expensive’ IC’s... It’s much better to buy cheap wires and have them over perform than Uber expensive ones that disappoint. | |
Lack of Female Representation I nominate MC for both Fox News hifi and chief virtue signaling correspondent. | |
KEF R3 or Totem Signature One Can’t go wrong with either. R3 is just plain out good in all ways. More similar than not to Totems because both are top notch. Can’t find a fault. Of course no one speaker is best to all. I suspect R3 may be easier to drive if that model is like ... | |
MSRP, diferentiation and the illusion of value I don’t care what people think of my gear. It only has to please me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I don’t get why people trashing something bothers someone. I believe here it’s often because there is some financial interest to defend. Ju... | |
Keeping backup equipment? Yes backups are a good thing. | |
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse? Oh come on every kid wants a fancy fuse! |