Responses from mapman
Is Pretty Good Good Enough? Listening Habits In The World Of Streaming Services. Playing Radio Paradise tonight on Roku (favorites stream) and the combo of stunning photography on the hi def tv accompanying music streaming to hifi is mesmerizing. | |
Is Pretty Good Good Enough? Listening Habits In The World Of Streaming Services. I use purely WiFi streaming. Piece of cake, never a problem and sound quality is not an issue. Been that way for many years now. It helps not being connected to noisy computer and network gear with a wire. | |
A $349 record brush The Absolute Sound is not relevant to me. That place is in la la land. | |
Is Pretty Good Good Enough? Listening Habits In The World Of Streaming Services. If the CD sounded better it was probably a different release mastered or produced differently than the source for the streamed version. Could also be a different DAC. There is no reason why streaming categorically would be inherently inferior to C... | |
Technics SU-R1000 - Good but not the king of switching amps Maybe there is a limit to what practically constitutes good sound. I have several Class D amps and they all sound basically flawless within their limits. Plus I hear all the new stuff that comes out all the time and the best sounds no better than ... | |
High end Class D amps? Overall Class D is as good or better than anything else these days. Ignore the naysayers. They are biased. Whether it works best for you or not is still always up in the air case by case. It always depends. But Class D is in general a safe bet to ... | |
Integrated vs. Separates on a Budget Integrated on a budget every time these days. Check out Cambridge Evo all in one and be done. | |
Why recordings made before 1965 sound better. Part of it was that stereo lps were relatively new and still a novelty and records were often marketed and sold based on sound quality. It was the golden age of vinyl. Then the novelty wore off and results became a lot more mixed. | |
Better Sounding Systems, Objectivists or Subjectivists? @bjesien thanks but I already got one you see. See my system page. It’s in box unused in front of turntable. 🙏 | |
Michael Nesmith | |
Better Sounding Systems, Objectivists or Subjectivists? They both get great sound then gather together for a giant love fest. | |
Tree in listen room disburse Happens to me all the time. | |
Is DSP room correction worth it with a high end analog system? Well room acoustics don’t shy away in fear just because the hifi is high end. You can bank on that! | |
Headphones to keep you honest I use headphones as a reference all the time FWIW. Sound approach! | |
Is teflon based lubricating spray bad for tonearm bearings? That makes sense. |