Responses from mapman
How long do you or should you keep your gear. I grew up in Amish country. Might trade in the horse and buggy someday for an upgrade. Oh and wind power rules! Very clean, no noise … except the darn wind always howling. | |
Beautiful Music That Reduce You To Tears Yes, JC was the man in terms of being able to extract and deliver meaning that touches many out of most any song he could relate to in various ways and there were many. Love listening to Johnny sing gospel music because you can just feel the meani... | |
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality? Agree with the @bondmanp but would only add the more resolving and able the gear upstream the more the Ohms are able to work their magic in delivering the music with pretty much any recording out there. | |
How long do you or should you keep your gear. @mapman thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas. @jerryg123 ..and a Happy New Year! | |
Beautiful Music That Reduce You To Tears "Epilogue" from Les Miserable does it every time and I suspect I am not alone. "Sunrise Sunset" from Fiddler on the Roof......never fails! King Crimson is all about getting, holding then driving home a vice grip on the senses but never qui... | |
How long do you or should you keep your gear. To each their own. One of those topics that people do not need some guy on the internet to tell them what they should do. It's a very trivial thing on the grand scale of things after all, eh? | |
Should We Prioritize Detail In Our Assessment Of Audio Quality? Yes that article goes into a lot of details that may factor into what is perceived subjectively as good sound. See what I mean? It supports my point. Not all details are valued equally. But that is always where push comes to shove. | |
Should We Prioritize Detail In Our Assessment Of Audio Quality? The question becomes unanswerable when everyone is allowed to define their own meaning of a useful word whose meaning is already perfectly clear simply because it is so useful. It won’t get anywhere. But it will give people a chance to talk about ... | |
Insightful article by Roger Skoff "Paying For Nothing" Oh no! We’re doomed! I will be exorcising all my amplifiers that modify that signal asap. | |
Room Acoustics and Your Sound System Some things matter way more than others. Some things don’t matter at all. Everything matters means whatever any one wants it to mean. | |
Should We Prioritize Detail In Our Assessment Of Audio Quality? @charles1dad Thanks. I rather fancied that one myself. 😎 | |
Should We Prioritize Detail In Our Assessment Of Audio Quality? What does high end mean exactly if not more detail? More and better….detail. If the music is good and the recording is and the system is your toe will tap more as the detail goes up. I know few things mean what they used to anymore but detail... | |
Should We Prioritize Detail In Our Assessment Of Audio Quality? Everyone know what detail means. You can look it up in the dictionary. Or you can spin it any way you choose. It’s a free country. | |
I had a question related to Class D That is not my experience. My 500 w/ch Class D amp never runs out of gas and never even breaks a sweat even at very high spl with average efficiency speakers. My 40 watt Class D amp that’s the size of a pack of cigarettes (Fosi, see system pics) d... | |
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption I’ll buy that…..oops did it again!😬 |