

Responses from mapman

How to tame a bright system?
Sounds like a pairing that could easily come off as too bright or fatiguing in many cases. Are the tweets firing directly at you? Try playing with toe-in/out perhaps so not direct exposure to tweets. Also you might be able to easily attenuate the ... 
What, in your opinion, should the rules be for YouTube Reviews?
@isochronism  Well of course it “could” but you in fact stated it so….  
How do you know when a stereo sounds good?
I ask guys selling expensive audio tweaks. They must know best, right? 🤔  
What is PRaT
Pace Rhythm and Timing.  From there it’s whatever you want that to be.   
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
“Blue Trane” is an absolutely fabulous recording regardless of fuse. Something is wrong if it is otherwise. Its like saying Sophia Loren was a beautiful woman. …when my eyes are open and actually paying attention.  
Forum Updates 11/24/2021
Appreciate the enhancements but still not able to get images to work.   
A decent integrated amp under 2K ...
Bel Canto c5i does it all and a steal if found used.   
a remarkably basic question about Roon
If I did not have Logitech and Plex Pass already I might be more inclined to pony up for Roon but frankly in my case I am not seeing a lot of added value.    
What, in your opinion, should the rules be for YouTube Reviews?
  I shudder to think of how many STILL don’t realize that the one’s mainly accusing other’s of giving misinformation are the one’s actually guilty of that!     Hey @isochronism you might want to rethink that considering that is exactly what... 
What, in your opinion, should the rules be for YouTube Reviews?
YouTube provides entertainment not news. People will go to great lengths to be entertaining there and get noticed, like here in some cases. Take it all with grains of salt like most of the internet.  
a remarkably basic question about Roon
I was going to do the trial then I saw the normal monthly cost.  Ouch that adds up!  Do I really need that when Free Logitech Media server + add ons already does most of the things I read Roon does.  I would definitely dump Plex but lose ability t... 
a remarkably basic question about Roon
I will have to give it a try and see if worth it for me.    
a remarkably basic question about Roon
Ah perfect.   Looks like should be able to use my SQ devices which would be nice.  Would like to shutdown Logitech MEdia Server and replace it with something newer like Roon. I also run Plex and pay for Plexpass.  The main advantage with Plex is ... 
a remarkably basic question about Roon
Can I use the Squeeze devices with a Roon "Core" I suppose otherwise as opposed to Logitech Media Server? Then use other apps from Smart Phones and Windows with Roon?  
a remarkably basic question about Roon
Do Squeezebox devices like Touch and Radio work with Roon?  Anybody doing that?