

Responses from mapman

Newbie Analog High Expectations??
If you can pick up a used Linn Axis table in good working order for a couple hundred as a start, you would not regret it. I've had mine for 20 years and still going strong with never a thought of changing.The fun part is going to garage sales or a... 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
If you are a mechanical engineer that likes to tinker, then vinyl should have its appeal. Record players are great machines for tinkering. That's how I got interested in music and audio as a young kid...tinkering with the phono. I learned how to a... 
Good speakers for a low budget
As much as I like Apogees, I would caution that they are usually hard to drive correctly and an atypical design/form. Knowing more on the application would definitely be important in the case of recommending Apogees. 
Good speakers for a low budget
I prefer to know more before recommending usually, but there are certain models in this price range that a layperson can surely build a nice system around and I have no problem pointing someone to these and then letting them decide. It beats the a... 
Best and Worst Rock Concert Moments
Rootmann,Do you like the Tower Theater as a concert venue these days?Its a classic building but I have not been overwhelmed with the acoustics there. I've attended 2 concerts there in recent years, Walter Becker and the Moody Blues. These were gre... 
ICE amps need cooling?
Any professional reviews out there that compare the sound of a digital switching power supply to analog?I only care about the sound and would have to be convinced before paying a premium for more expensive technology that may or may not make a dif... 
ICE amps need cooling?
I'm not looking currently, but I strongly suspect the next amp I buy for my current power hungry speakers will be Ice or Class D at least. 
cable doubter no more
Jea48,Surely we can.Its a lot cheaper and easier to switch from one decent wire to another, especially when one buys used. Wires are also low risk used compared to more complex audio technologies and they tend to depreciate in value from new just ... 
Internet Radio: Audiophile or no?
wwoz is pretty good via the Roku Soundbridge. I was very pleasantly surprised.It never sounded very good when I used to stream it direct off their web site from a PC prior though.It is a great station though...always one of my favs. 
Good speakers for a low budget
Usher or PSB are good thoughts I could support as well! 
Dynaudio C2 with Plinius 9200
Johnno35,I suspect from my experience with small Contour 1.3 mkIIs that most Dyns, including larger Confidence line models, like power and current...the more, the merrier. And, they are not the easiest load to drive, so doubling power into 4 and e... 
Dynaudio C2 with Plinius 9200
Ok, Dkzzz I realize now you are right and the rest of the world is apparently wrong.Dyn's s--- despite the considerable evidence to the contrary. And they do not have any treble. Why would anybody pollute their systems with such Danish garbage?Lor... 
Internet Radio: Audiophile or no?
Stereomaniac,I am of similar opinion I would say. 
My head hurts....
Musicfile,If your still out there and looking, do the DAC thing! 
cable doubter no more
Carlos269,I think you position may be a bit extreme, but I do not disagree completely with your assertions regarding high end boutique equipment.When my wife buys clothes in a boutique, they are not necessarily more functional than name brand stuf...