

Responses from mapman

Internet Radio: Audiophile or no?
"Pandora .... does NOT sound particularly detailed, airy, transparent or revealing"I assume you play this via USB from computer to your system?There is lots of detail, air and transparency with the hookup on my system with many many stations. I us... 
MC phono on VTL TL2.5
I looked at the vtl TL 2.5 and its phono section recently.TEchnically, I think I recall it would work alone with most MC cartridges save perhaps those with very low output, like a Denon DL103R. I think a step up device of some sort would be needed... 
some 70's and 80's receivers seem to be popular
The brands mentioned above were/are very good.I've owned Tandberg and Yamaha in recent years and both have delivered the sonic goods in my second, two channel A/V system.The Advent 300 was another very good sounding though finicky piece. 
Audio Research sp 16 or sp 17?
Chadnliz,Thanks for the encouragement. I'm pretty confident it will be a keeper.None of my main speakers are particularly efficient so I think the volume steps constraints will not bother me.I am used to turning knobs on my current pre-amp but I'm... 
resolution and imaging
"I'm saying whatever amount of imaging exists on a recording should be able to be reproduced on a high resolution system."I would agree.Sometimes the imaging cues are there and make for a special listening experience. Sometimes they are not there,... 
resolution and imaging
"I think too many audiophiles are too quick to blame their systems instead of the recording"Amen. 
Audio Research sp 16 or sp 17?
The sp16 is on order.It is targeted to place my Carver c-6 preamp into reserve duty after ~ 20 years of reliable service in my system. 
resolution and imaging
"For anyone to say audio reproduction should not try to mirror these imaging effects is preposterous! You are simply missing out on part of the musical event with lesser imaging."It should try to but the results will never be exactly the same thou... 
resolution and imaging
Imaging live is different than imaging from 2 speakers but there is imaging occurring nonetheless in both cases.I have heard systems morph as Wavetrader describes. I often wonder though how much of it is the system itself changing as opposed to ou... 
resolution and imaging
Resolution and imaging are both good things.Just think of you room as your own private concert hall that is unique and distinct from any other and don't worry about what the music sounds like elsewhere because it ain't the same so it really doesn'... 
resolution and imaging
Wavetrader,Thanks for the tip.I've acquired a greater appreciation of many of the older RCA recordings in the last few years. 
resolution and imaging
One sign of a good system I think is that few if any recordings sound bad. Few if any are perfect but most have something to offer.I've heard a lot of original vinyl and remastered CDs of material from the 50s and earlier that sound very good, if ... 
Good speakers for a low budget
I'm also thinking buying another pair of speaks for $600 will not make much difference from the current PSBs, if this model PSB sounds like others I have heard. If the CD has a digital output, an outboard DAC might be the best investment for $600.... 
resolution and imaging
I want it all. 
resolution and imaging
Sns,I agree with your assessment.