

Responses from mapman

why still buy a cd player?
Tend to agree with Sammie. 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
I do suspect some cartridges with higher compliance (stiffer) styli might be more naturally immune to picking up low end noise due to record warping or irregularities in the way the record grooves were cut (off center, etc.). 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
in 100% of the cases I've seen over the years where "rumbling" or "pumping" was a significant issue at play, the cause was a warped or poorly cut record.Lets face it, even if our turntables and systems are darn near perfect, few if any records are... 
Focal Profile 918 presentation
I like those Focals! They were imaging and transparency champions when I heard them.Imaging and soundstage will probably be best up to 2-3 feet out from rear wall and not too close to side walls. You might want to toe in slightly as well. Make sur... 
John Potis - Rest in peace
I am very sad to hear this.I did not know John Potis other than through his product reviews on sixmoons, which were of interest to me.However, when I was recently doing research to find the right amp to drive my Ohm speakers, I emailed John on a w... 
How to reproduce sound of piano
I'd try playing with current speaker location 1st as SoGood suggested because that's easiest and no cost. Try to listen with them out away from rear and side walls for better imaging and in order to allow those beautiful piano key strikes some bre... 
How to reproduce sound of piano
Sogood51's idea is a good one I believe! 
"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?
Dev,Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that each case that appealed to you involved tube amplification. Also, you liked the Rowland Class D amp with the ARC tube pre.I suspect that the "toe tapping" sound you like is more a result of the ... 
How to reproduce sound of piano
Plaser,If I were you, I'd focus on getting the right speakers to accomplish your goals first and build the rest of the system around those. The reason is that, particularly in the case of piano, the speakers present practically the most limiting f... 
"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?
Geph0007,I have a NAD 7020 I use as a spare in my systems when needed.Its a very gutsy little beast indeed, and it has served well in a reserve role when called on over the years, but the sound is quite rough around the edges compared to most newe... 
10 Levels of Turntable Mastery
Sounds reasonable. I'd say I'm about a 4 on this scale (minus my special abilities). Knowing me, that sounds about right.How about others? 
10 Levels of Turntable Mastery
I have telekinetic powers and can make my table spin at a constant speed better than the best DD turntables, although sometimes I get distracted and all hell breaks lose! 
How to reproduce sound of piano
"Krell does a good job on piano"I've heard the $2500 Krell integrated do a very respectable job on piano music with Martin Logans. 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Eldartford,I've seen the Ohm sub bass activator device. It is a rectangular circuit board just a few inches in dimension that connects between crossover and woofer internally as I recall. I ordered a pair and installed them into my Ohm L's as an u... 
How to reproduce sound of piano
"Grados GS-1000 headphones actually does very good job with piano (much better than speakers)"Doesn't surprise me.On the scale at which they must operate to produce realistic SPLs to the ear, the wide range drivers in headphones are physically muc...