

Responses from mapman

Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
If there is no benefit to higher power in any particular user's case, based on preferred listening SPL, room size, speaker efficiency, etc., then no reason to go there. It will add cost to do a higher power amp well as Raquel relates so the benefi... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
The OHm F-5 speakers in my system are a good example of speaks that benefit from high power and high current with adequate damping based on my experience and all reports. They are largely omnidirectional, less than 90Db efficient can move a lot of... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
"Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everyone in good society holds exactly the same opinion." OW was obviously not an audio buff! 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
"Kijanki is right - an underpowered amp can clip when played loud, and clipping of an amplifier causes high-frequency harmonics that are routed to the tweeter by the crossover, possibly overloading it."Yes, I have seen more speakers fried this way... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
RR,Just to be clear, the OHMs utilize dynamic drivers as well. It's the Walsh driver design and concept that make them both unique and different.Here is a blurb with some background on the Walsh driver concept beyond what you might find on the OHM... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
"It seems like the Ohm presentation would be quite different, but I wonder if I would like it better than what I have. I guess there's only one way to truly find out..."Agreed. 
What music do you want to play really loud?
Yeah! Some music is just designed to be played LOUD! 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
I would not pick an amp on power output alone. This alone will only determine how loud the system will play cleanly. Alone it is not sufficient to determine how good the amp will sound in your room with your system. There is no simple answer for d... 
Musical Fidelity's USB Ready V DAC
So any user experience with the V-DAC yet? 
MHDT Labs DAC: Havana or Paradisea+ ?
Thanks for the useful comparison info.I'm thinking of adding an outboard DAC to my second 2-channel A/v system and may give the Havana a try. I already use a Paradisea in my main system and can concur with a lot of what has been said here about th... 
Ohm FRS-15 v. Ohm Walsh 2
Marcus,The larger drivers in the FRS 15s and taller cabinet compared to Walsh 2 should provide more "meat on the bones" and have more impact in the low end in a larger area like yours and bass extension beyond the Walsh 2s down into the 30hz range... 
Pick 2... Ohm WMT,ML Source,Zu Druid,Gallo Ref 3.1
"How does one speaker "beat" another?"The op indicated he will buy 2 and sell one, so one will win and one will lose."We all have different keys and cues which make a speaker "better" to our ears."No doubt. All outcomes are possible so nothing sho... 
Ohm FRS-15 v. Ohm Walsh 2
Well, if they are in good operating order, you won't find anything else I can think of for $350 that can even come close to doing what those will even with older Walsh CLS drivers out of the gate. ALso, local pickup is good insurance because the l... 
Would Peachtree Decco be a step up from Rogue 66?
If so, probably mostly due to the DAC.Why not just try a good external DAC with the Squeezebox? Most people agree that a good outboard DAC is a step up with the Squeezebox. That would probably accomplish the most. 
Pick 2... Ohm WMT,ML Source,Zu Druid,Gallo Ref 3.1
I'd be very surprised if the Gallo's could beat the OHMs. Maybe on bass impact with the right amp but not in overall balance, refinement and overall listenability.The MLs might have a chance in that they have such a totally different but also smoo...