

Responses from mapman

Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Foster_9,Yes, not uncommon with integrateds. More juice and bigger transformers produces more EMF that can create noise in nearby low level pre-amp sections, especially phono pre-amp sections. Though I don't think integrated amps are optimal for t... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Guys,I know this has been covered here and elsewhere prior, but just a reminder that more watts will let you go louder but current is key to delivering smooth tonal balance top to bottom at low to typical listening levels in particular with the OH... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Joek,Sounds like a reasonable approach. My gut tells me that your Mac integrated is OK for the Walshes but that you will find you can do much better. The Walshes need current in addition to watts and most integrated tend to compromise in that area... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Johnny, yeah, like most labels, I've heard some good and not so good dynaflex recordings. It just seems as if a quality recording became more hit and miss in general towards the 70s as things headed more towards cost rather than quality control. I... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
"Use RCA Dynaflexes...."Wasn't RCA's move to Dynaflex the event that signaled the downfall of vinyl back in the day?Nice to know they are good for something!!! 
Can we objectively rate speaker cables?
No.That would require quantitative measurements that I do not think exist.We can offer subjective opinions though. 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
The cynic in me says its because vinyl is trendy and you can get some really good sounding digital for a lot less if you prefer. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Actually, now over $30000 pair, up $10000 from last year.Yikes is right!Apparently, people are buying them and they were quite ear catching both times I've heard them. Transient attack was one of the best I've heard, yet they seemed relatively eas... 
Cat friendly or actually unfriendly speaker
Yeah, practically, don't let a cat run your life. Just give kitty a really nice and accessible scratching post in another room. If he goes where cats were not meant to be, a water spray bottle is the best solution. He'll probably put two and two t... 
Cat friendly or actually unfriendly speaker
YOu can put a plant or something on top of a pair of OHM Walshes with no ill sonic effects and keep the cat from jumping on top with covers on. Refurbed OHm Walshes with the older pyramidal shaped cabinets might prove challenging for Mr Jinx to kn... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Marty,Have you ever heard the Magico Minis?Cost aside, these always leave an impression with me when I hear them and was interested in your take on them if you have? 
Any experience with Tandberg Amps?
You got a great deal assuming it works.What speakers and pre-amp will you use it with?Clean Tandbergs in working order are collectibles. You might even sell it for a profit if desired. They are particularly sought after in their home country of No... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Joe, I sold many C2s years ago and still own L's.I recall the C2s having the brightest inherent timbre of any OHM speaker save perhaps the E, which was a much lesser speaker. Not sure what the OHM C2 upgrade does in this regard, though I am certai... 
Maggies with no Sub: Fantastic surprise
Yes, "punch" is the thing with Maggies. If you want "punch", then there are better choices. Otherwise, if you can set them up properly, hard to beat!Pop/hard rock is the genre where I felt the Maggies had the hardest time getting it right. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Mamboni, thanks for sharing that.I picked up the recently recovered Monk/Coltrane recording from Carnegie at the Hall's gift shop. It is a real treat. One of the most amazing sounding recordings I own on the Walshs is the "Classic Concert" recordi...