

Responses from mapman

Wi-Fi Limitations and Sample rates...16/44.1
2chnlben,It is possible that software on your PC source could reduce the sample rate even though the router is not an issue.For example, I have read (unconfirmed) that some older (pre Vista) versions of Windows may reduce sample rates implicitly i... 
Are Ohm Walsh Speakers the Poor Man's MBLs?
Marty, I do think the omni sound radiation pattern is a key for image depth and acoustic dampening of the Walsh CLS driver in the wall facing directions would tend to limit this somewhat compared to what I heard with mbl.Maybe John Strohbeen is ou... 
Are Ohm Walsh Speakers the Poor Man's MBLs?
Marty,Just curious, no need to create work for experimentation, especially with a holiday weekend coming up!After hearing the mbls, I did do some experimentation with my F-5s to try to reproduce the front to back imaging I heard with the mbl 111s.... 
Which James Bond Theme Recording
Rockadanny,That sounds awesome!Gotta look that one up.Love the Rev. HH and the Hammond organ! 
The Great Speaker Quest
BTW, in case you are not aware, don't let the small size of Totem Arros fool you. Those baby's seem thrive on lots of good SS juice! If you were not providing that when you had or heard them, they might not have put on their best face.Same with th... 
Are Ohm Walsh Speakers the Poor Man's MBLs?
Marty,Have you tried listening near field with the 100s?I have found I am able to percieve front to back soundstage better and more in line with what I heard with mbl listening just a couple feet or so in front of the speaks as opposed to my norma... 
Can you get "bookshelf sound" from a floorstander?
Agree with TVAD.You've had some good speaks. Sounds like maybe they were not matched to amp well or there was some other poor synergy going on. 
Wi-Fi Limitations and Sample rates...16/44.1
Also routers only route and do not implement algorithms for down sampling data streams so if you are hearing the music play without dropouts, you are most likely getting all the bits delivered that should be. 
The Great Speaker Quest
Totem and Dyn, two of my favs also!What is the rest of the system and how big is the room? 
Are Ohm Walsh Speakers the Poor Man's MBLs?
"So the tweeter being limited has only the benefit of increasing placement options. "I believe increasing placement options for most users is the intent of OHMs design decision to attenuate the omni sound levels in wall facing directions. The twee... 
Are Ohm Walsh Speakers the Poor Man's MBLs?
Very good questions!"(I)t seems that a lot of Omnis do no(t) limit the tweeter (Deuvel and Morrison come to mind) . ""Does limiting the tweeter from being full omni help the coherence but hurt the imaging? "No. I think coherence is mostly due to s... 
Advice going from SS to tubes?
"Their (Rogue) amps provide good sound across the spectrum and are especially good in the bass department for tube amps."That description is consistent with what I have heard out of Rogue power amps. 
DAC with the best midrange ever.....
Who knows what the best really is but I can vouch that the mhdt Paradisea tube DAC with the stock GE tube is top notch in the mids. 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
Mordante,"Maybe, just maybe a tube pre-amp would be acceptable but tubes to not belong in power amps."Given your musical tastes, to which I wander as well on occasion, I strongly recommend trying this approach based on my experiences in the land o... 
Can you get "bookshelf sound" from a floorstander?
9rw, I agree regarding the Arros but poster has already indicated he has owned those and preferred a different monitor and sub combo.