

Responses from mapman

Ohm F remodel options
para,Thanks for the update.Please keep 'em coming as things develop! I would go out of my way to be able to have a properly functioning pair of original OHM F's myself someday. 
Amps for Avantgarde
Chad, I have interest in the Audio Research amps. Which ones have you tried? I am only interested in SS amps for my system, but I like that ARC does SS with a strong foundation in tube technology and I have been most impressed with the ARC sp16 in... 
Amps for Avantgarde
This is just a whim but I have heard some of the better Classe amps sounding very clean detailed and transparent on elecrostatic speakers like Martin Logan and it seems to me that they might also synergize well with high sensitivity horns like the... 
The Hub: ''Handcrafted Ralph Gleason'' ?
The lack of information in many audiogon for sale postings of very expensive items really galls me sometimes. My favorite common statement is "if you're looking at this, you know what it is" or something to that effect. No, do not assume I am so s... 
Ohm F remodel options
Is there is anyone out there who has actually heard dale Harder's new Walsh speakers? Does he do any audio shows?I would really like to know what they sound like in comparison to the newer OHM CLSs, but have not heard any accounts to-date. 
Ohm F remodel options
If you find a place (Miller SOund?)that can reliably restore an original F driver properly, please let us know the details of what is done to accomplish that. As I indicated, OHM Fs are a piece of sound engineering history and should be preserved ... 
Ohm F remodel options
OHM Fs are special and deserve preservation if at all possible. It may or may not still be possible to restore original drivers to their original glory or something close enough, I just do not know for sure. I know OHM gave up on trying to do it y... 
Do subwoofers really help?
I think a sub is a band aid in the scenario outlined. The right approach (happy path) is to fix the speaker/amp mating first and go from there. 
Monitors For Near Field Low Volume Listening
Slightly larger Triangle Cometes perhaps then.Or OHM Micro Walsh Talls perhaps (floor stander with smaller footprint than most monitors) 
Monitors For Near Field Low Volume Listening
Triangle Titus 202s + a sub are first rate at low volumes. 
Did anybody else notice this about PSB Speakers?
"If the Syncrony has any flaw, it's that it errs on the side of extreme neutrality. " I can't regard "neutrality" as a flaw. And yes, I agree the Synchronies sounded most neutral when I heard them, which was a major aspect of their good sound at t... 
Did anybody else notice this about PSB Speakers?
The PSBs I've heard (Synchrony floorstanders) are quite good with good tube amplification. Though much different sounding from each other, they and the Magico Minis at way more are two speaker lines I have heard recently that I could probably live... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Alpass,Amazon has LOGAP on remastered CD for ~$15 I see. 
Suggestions needed for an SS Stereo Amp w/+175wpc
Dante,Haven't heard the Bel Canto so can't help you there. THe A3CR matches up nicely with OHM 100s in my system, plenty of natural sounding volume, huge soundstage, solid and defined low end, very good definition and detail, and not fatiguing. So... 
Please recommend a budget tube dac
Or less expensive mhdt Paradisea, usually about $400-$500 used.