

Responses from mapman

Ohm Walsh 2000 vs MMG vs Vandersteen 2ce Sig?
I can comment on OHM series 3 (the last versions prior to current X000 series) and mmg. Most I have heard who have the latest seem to confirm X000 series to be an "evolutionary but not revolutionary" improvement.The biggest discriminating factors:... 
Should the best systems sound almost identical?
Mc,I have heard other smaller Focal's as well.Size and cost makes it an apples/oranges comparison of sorts, but smaller speakers can certainly often deliver just as much or more enjoyment, which is what it is all about, in some rooms.To me sound i... 
Amy Winehouse.RIP
I know very little about the lady other than her reputation.However talented or not, stories like these are always sad and not something to take any pleasure in. Maybe something to learn from at best? 
Should the best systems sound almost identical?
"How about the Focal Grande Utopia speakers that retail for $180,000 vs. some of the crazy expensive MBL stuff. I'd venture a guess that they sound nothing alike. "You would be correct.I happened to hear the Focals just this past weekend. They sha... 
worse entertainer or performer of all time??
FWIW, I've come to enjoy a number of Britney Spears tunes of late and find her somewhat entertaining in a pop culture kind of way. So she has trended up for me over the last couple of years.Does she have talent?Well, I like her voice for what it i... 
What Song Reminds You of Your First Love?
"(Bang Bang) My Baby Shot Me Down" 
The best speaker you ever heard?
horns versus Bose.Battle of the century!David versus Goliath?Both so misunderstood by others! So under-appreciated!Hifi and Macro, you two should be able to find some solace with each other although I doubt you'll ever come to terms on what good s... 
logitech touch - tech success...marketing flop?
I've seen Squeezebox radio and otehr Logitech products in BEst Buy but not Touch. Nor in any other local B&M stores I've been in.My local BB also used to carry the Squeezebox Duet, but stopped that.Its readily available on line though and typi... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Hifiguy,If you want to have a prayer of convincing others here the new 901s are in teh same league as some the best out there, I think you need to offer up some details as to how you reach this conclusion. What are you comparing to and what simila... 
Which Integrated for Magnepan MG-12?
Rogue Cronus. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Jack,If you can tout horns and I can tout OHMs, and others tout their favorite expensive toys, then nothing wrong with someone taking up the Bose cause I suppose. Bose is the underdog in this venue, right? Ha!Maybe Bose should horn load those suck... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I think personal taste would be a big factor as always, but it would be interesting to hear the latest 901's in comparison to others at their price point. I have no doubt they will sound different, and perhaps even distinctive. How good? I think t... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
OVer many years, I've never heard a home audio Bose setup that sounded even marginally good to me.Maybe some tube or very good other modern amplification would help? Possible.One thing I'll say about the 901s, having not heard a pair outside of co... 
Stereophile vs. Sports Illustrated
I think it is a great idea that if SI can do a swimsuit issue to boost sales, then why not an audio rag also?I'm sure the girls can listen to music at least as well as they might be able to compete in the NFL, MLB, NBA, etc.Actually, I'm surprised... 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
Don't forget also that even with the perfect gear, you have to also be prepared to deal with room acoustics as a factor up front as needed. It's a very fine line getting many rigs to perform optimally (not just "good") for this kind of music, and ...