

Responses from mapman

Amp more important than speakers?
Definitely a good idea to avoid underpowered amps, but even that is determined by the speakers.I think if more people used amps powerful enough to bring out the best with the speakers they have, they would get off the speaker merry go round faster... 
Why I like my home system better than live music
I do not hear many live performances these days that I would prefer to listen to in terms of sound quality alone over what my gear is capable of these days.A home system is still no substitute for the full sensual impact of a great live performanc... 
Headphones for use with Squeezebox Radio
I've been leaning towards the B&W P5 headphones of late for their combo of build quality, comfort, sound, and value, especially if had used.Any thoughts on those specifically? The Squeeze Radio does not seem to have a lot of power to spare for... 
Gallo 3.5 vs Merlin VSM-MXe
"it is designed for more intimate settings where the lowest octave would overpower the room or bigger speakers/room treatments would dominate the appearance. in these intimate settings large wave launch systems would have too much stratification o... 
speakers for 24/96 audio
I think redbook CD done perfectly correctly both in recording and playback does fit the bill very well as designed as Shadorne indicated.THe problem is more often the difference between design and theory and its realization in products, which is i... 
speakers for 24/96 audio
"Kijanki, are you implying that 24bit data words have a "finer grain" than 16bit data words? That each bit represents a smaller incremental signal level? "That's the basic reason to us more bits in each sample in digital signal processing of any k... 
Amp more important than speakers?
When I sold gear years ago in a well known at the time higher end audio chain, and it was still common to sell complete systems in one shot for the customer's budget we were all taught to help the customer find the right speakers first, then the a... 
Magico Q3's at Goodwin's High End
Nothing like a good room and good setup to make a good system sound good. 
speakers for 24/96 audio
Bottom line: I am not losing any sleep over hi rez digital. There are too many ifs to really matter at this point for me and the benefits are marginal compared to the extra cost and overhead associated with even larger data files. 
speakers for 24/96 audio
I think redbook CD format specifies the dynamic range for the 16 bit format and is fairl y standardized as a result.Not sure this is the case with other newer hi rez digital formats?More bits enables more dynamic range and more detail together. Ho... 
Cassette Deck??
ORph,Thanks for the info.Vinyl surface noise doesn't really bother me too much. I am used to it. Plus most of my records are in pretty good shape and vinyl is a low % of my listening these days. It is even nicer though when not present at all. 
Gallo 3.5 vs Merlin VSM-MXe
I would add also that for smaller rooms, monitors and other designs that more closely approximate a point source tend to perform best overall in general.Also, I believe monitors + sub(s) is a very practical and modular solution when needed/desired. 
Cassette Deck??
I think the three main sonic limitations of the cassette source format are often noise levels together with high frequency response and sometimes dynamic range.That aside, I still have many cassette tapes still I recorded on various decks in my va... 
Gallo 3.5 vs Merlin VSM-MXe
"one day you need to hear it and experience its "total" potential. "I'll be happy to eat my words if I hear these someday and they redefine the limits of what a smaller monitor can do in terms of weight and impact with music that demands you be ab... 
Know of any true bullet proof equipment stories?
Drivers in OHM Walsh speakers are enclosed in a metal mesh can. No exposed parts other than terminals. Older models are highly tapered from bottom to top and hard to topple. About as bullet proof as they come. My first pair stuck around for almost...