
Responses from magfan

Listening off grid with batteries
Even the MOST efficient speaker is only just over 3% efficient.Hair Split for the day::Sensitivity is what you would be after, if you want to go that way. 
tube damper help
'black' may be OK for low power tubes. Black may be Viton, Buna 'n' and many others, including just plain rubber.(neoprene?)Silicon (red?) has silicon oil in it which can migrate out and make a real mess, on higher powered tubes. If i had tubes an... 
harman kardon hk775 amps
It sounds like an intermittent connection which once warmed up, makes a good connection. Which, has now apparently failed altogether.Does the tuner or TT do the same thing? That isolates to preamp or the HKs not the source....If only the CD fails,... 
iMac far from audo rack - any suggestions?
Yes, and they are dirt cheap, too. 
iMac far from audo rack - any suggestions?
To go from Imac to a remote DAC, you can use an Airport Express.That's what I do. I run the AE to a Cambridge CA840c using Toslink.The AE output is either USB for printer only...apparently and the miniplug which is either earbuds / cable +splitter... 
San Diego, County
ANY club activity? Still meets? 
Top 5 Hamburgers
Nessie Burger is tops.Middle of nowhere, where I-15 meets Old 395, right down the street from Lawrence Welk Village in North San Diego county. 
Opinions please on a starter audiophile system?
You should be able to do well for 4 large. Your room, if you can arrange to suit should work out well, too.That being said, I'd say that all the Real Nice people giving you help spending your money aren't helping as much as possible.Get somewhere ... 
Class "D" amp? I do not have a clue. Do you?
Kij,I gave up listening to sine waves sometime soon after I survived the '70s.Zobel limit on long term power is therefore pretty much a non-starter.One other MINOR issue, I don't think yet mentioned, of 'd' /ICE is that the frequency response chan... 
Class "D" amp? I do not have a clue. Do you?
Kij, How DID you know my speaker wires were 197 feet long? Just kidding!As for the PS switching noise at the output, that is removed with the low pass Zobel. However, there are special filters used by the measurement crowd which test equipment. So... 
Class "D" amp? I do not have a clue. Do you?
Kij has it correct. The RDon is very low for MOSFETs. Resistance Device on.This is a big selling point for discrete power devices. less resistance is less power lost, or rather delivered to the load.....whichever you prefer.Now, on to the full /ha... 
4 Ohm Load
It is NOT the sensitivity that matters most.The 'goodness' of a load is about phase angle.....How much does current lead or lag voltage? The moderate phase angle of this speaker is not a 'bad' load, though the impedance dip at 90hz to 2.83 ohms IS... 
$1700 floorstanders
As much as I'd love to tell you to get some of the 1.6 maggies, I don't think the NAD has the power for high level listening. If you like the panel presentation, try some of the MMGs available mailorder only with a 60 day return policy and 1 year ... 
If money were no object, what would be in your rig
I decided to sell the Bryston monos and go to all Spectron Musician monos. 
IC upgrade advice - Lost
I have an 840c and use Mogami Gold balanced to a PSAudio integrated and Magnepans.......Pick 'em up at Guitar Center, of all places.