
Responses from magfan

fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Don't hold back, Musicnoise!One bit of science you missed is the idea of repeatability.When I add 2 plus 2, I get the same answer as anyone on the planet.When you take a match to a balloon full of hydrogen and oxygen, in the proper ratio.....BOOM,... 
Name brands that are not so well known are skipped
Just a thought on lesser known brands.People shy away from some because of support or parts issues.This is a valid concern. But, think about what CAN fail.Are there any proprietary parts / technologies? For VacTube folks, you can source a tube fro... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
If its all about feelings, head on and enjoy.But, on the face of it a 39$ fuse? come'on, somebody is joking here. Can you hear it? Who knows? Somebody who installs such a fuse than says they hear a change may just be fooling themselves. My car run... 
class d
I own PSAudio GCC250 and Maggies. Very good match.I work for a company (to remain nameless) which is just entering the Class 'd' market and am trying to pry one of the demo units out of the engineers hands. I'm not TOO optimistic, however, since I... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
I repeat::Double blind testing.somebody does / does not make a change.Can you tell? Repeat until a statistically valid sample is gathered.Repeat AGAIN with several different people.On a simple, yes-no change, 50% is guessing. Everything else is ju... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Double Blind Testing.fuses should be EASILY done, compared to ICs power cords or other tweaks. 
windows media player questions
Does Window Media Player natively support FLAC? Or do you have to do some weird workaround?I have been experimenting w/FLAC rips using WinAmp and am so far quite satisfied, especially since the player is a freebie.Next step will be to run a coax f... 
class d
I have the PS Audio GCC250 driving Magnepan 1.6s. They play well together and have stunning dynamics. Ruthless exposure of mediocre source means I ended up having to do a pretty substantial upgrade there, as well. Now that's over, I wouldn't chang... 
Speakers better than the MMGs?
Went to 1.6's from original MG-1's of about 25 years. Won't look back.Better front end with plenty of power....and the usual-for-Magnepan wisdom of doubling into 4 ohms. 
Digital inputs - Esoteric
5 letter word....Starts w/'M' and ends with 'ONEY' 
Installing Apogee Divas w/ribbons to the outside
While I have only heard the Apogee speakers once, my experience with Magnepan, another planar, MAY sort of apply.I had my MG-1 panels in a Very small room. The sound image was coming from the upper left corner of the room. I swapped the panels L-&... 
Digital inputs - Esoteric
CA 840c has not 1 but 2 channels of digital input.My eventual plan is for 1 channel to run the audio from my 'universal' player. The 2nd channel will be the digital output of my computer....running FLAC . 
Outlaw LFM -2 powered sub
Outlaw is made by HSU Research. For a more 'musical' experience, go upline at either HSU or OUTLAW. Things get more......interesting........for just a few $$ more.Also, choose your sub by room size. While my personal motto is 'too much is never en... 
why are two subs harder to place than full range?
Try this link on for size.Some people have already said similar stuff, but this wraps it up and presents it properly:: 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I fell in love w/the 'Magnepan' sound in about '82 or '83. I kept those MG-1s until just last November. They had been rebuilt at the factory and re-socked.I'm not an equipment changing guy, but I just could not part with least until I c...