
Responses from magfan

recommend full featured preamps?
Have you considered 'tuning' your room?I know what it is like to be space/layout constrained, but just maybe, a few small adjustments would help.Something for first reflection....a dense wool tapestry like I use or some carpet directly in front of... 
recommend full featured preamps?
I GAVE AWAY a NAD1700 tuner/preamp.It had too many features to list, but the tone controlswere triple turnover for bass+treble.Decent phono section, too.I bought it in about '87 and I think it had a few more years in it. 
Any experience with hard amplifier startup.
Anything that has been sitting for a while has a risk associated with just 'plugging it in and lettin 'er rip'.Caps don't like to sit unused, especially for a decade. There may be some other problems lying in wait, as you heat cycle and stress the... 
Magnepans and cats, do they mix?
I had some MG-1s, purchased 'used' which a series of cats NEVER LOOKED AT TWICE. The original owner claimed he 'treated' them with something....I simply don't remember what, it was 25 years ago and the cats simply ignored 'em.If I get another cat,... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
A/C has direction? 
Confused by ICE applications
Just coming to similar conclusions.Also, some of the 'd' amps run at 400khz which makes it even easier to filter out..I'm sold! My GCC is a monster and Easily has my Maggies at full potential. Now, about those pesky fuses! 
Confused by ICE applications
For those interested in the ICE amps, applications and some detail, please try this:: It is a complete list of available products and some downloads.Looks like the ASP series comes with on-board p... 
Switch to silver for a treble boost?
Try cables with lower capacitance. There will be less HF rolloff 
Confused by ICE applications
My understanding is just the OPPOSITE.Manufacturer of the module makes the output/driver section and the USER supplies the it SMPS or a nice big Toroid and a large selection of caps.I will investigate if the ICE modules have an integra... 
Confused by ICE applications
I agree. ICE power would and IS a good choice for my Maggies. I use the PSAudio GCC250 to good effect.I think, however, you've got it a little backwards.You can buy the ICE modules or the ColdPower or any of 'em and than be responsible for the Pow... 
Confused by ICE applications
Join the confused club.PSAudio makes use of the 3 different ICE modules in the GCC series of 'integrateds'. 100/200 250/500 and 500/1000.What difference would it make if the ICE manufacturer didn't warranty a modfied module, if the Modifier DID?Sp... 
Power conditioning v re-generation; Shunyata v. PS
I may have this wrong, but it sounds as though the PS regenerator is an amplifier which puts out 60hz.....You could run an AC device from your amp, if you had a 60hz signal generator to the input....and were careful on the power limits and it woul... 
Needed subwoofer Recommendations.
I have the VTF2/mkIII in a fairly large volume room...about 5500ft3 and it works fine......and since I have such an awful room due to 8 sides, 45degree angles and a vault ceiling, placement was fairly easy. Seamless w/Maggies. 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
My roomie and I had some OBNOXIOUS neighbors in college.We doctored an 8 track down to about a 1 minute repeating loop, put on Charlie Pride at full volume and went to lunch. those were the days of tape splicers and head demagnatizersGame / Set / ... 
What amps for Maggies?
When I bought my first pair of MG-1s, I had a (don't laugh!) Kenwood integrated of 60x2 @8. OK, in a small room and wonderful with my than new Magnavox CD player...the FD1000, so you know how long ago I'm talkin' about. Since I was a working stiff...