
Responses from macdadtexas

Speakers to match Parasound JC-2/A21 in small room
paradigm signature s4's 
Which DAC for $5K or less?
bel canto dac3, new bryston, ......or.....wait for the cary audio one that is coming out this year 
what is a lazy old audiophile to do?
Very easy fix if you are lazy, is buy an AppleTV. It will connect to your Pioneer via HDMI, or you could buy an outboard DAC and connect it via Toslink. 
Most resolving solid state amp you've ever heard?
Innersound ESL (now Sanders Sound) 
Speaker advice
in that room I would find some Definitive Technology BP7004's and a DefTech CLR2300 center channel, all used here on Audiogon. That would be your $1200 and would include the subs which are built into the BP7004's. If you liked the other systems yo... 
Blu-Ray HD Audio Coding, worth $1000 Upgrade?
Denon 3808ci net in your price range. 
sub in small room with bookshelf advice needed
excellent call on the Rel 
What's the Best LP You Bought in 2008
Kings Of Leon "Only by the Night" best new rock album I have bought in a long, long time. I want that new The Answer album because of all the good word of mouth here on Audiogon. 
"The Answer"- 4 guys from Belfast.
Great to hear of some great new music. I am usually so disappointed by new bands, very derivative. That's OK if the music rocks. I loved Jet's "Get Born" album, but the next one sucked, and I won't mention more of the newer "it" rock bands the hav... 
Integrated amp for efficient speakers
the very cool Peachtree audio integrated with a built in DAC, it sounds great. 
Recommendation for small footprint Center channel?
Gallo Due, sounds great too. 
Voltage differences Europe vs Japan
my guys said that Shunyanta makes a converter for Euro to Japanese conversion. He sent me the link in Japanese to my home computer, it would not just follow the link. He is looking for the English version(?). I don't know why the link would not wo... 
Why not use mains as centers
I have a receiver with Audessey (Denon 3808ci), and I have spent considerable time with main speaker placement of my Maggie 3.6's, so I'm going to say no, to the problems you bring up. It just sounds better with a center channel. 
Subwoofer vibration foot isolators????
Auralex is great 
Voltage differences Europe vs Japan
I work, in the US, for a large Japenese company, and some of the guys I work with are into audio, so I will check with them. They will know.A question I have though, is why does anyone leave France for Japan? Japan is nice, but come on, France is ...