
Responses from macdadtexas

Most Rockingest Preamp south of $2k used
Cary Audio SLP98l, no question, rock the house with tubes!!Get a Cary SLI80 with some Klipsch or Tannoy's and you are rockin' old school. 
Cartridge setup revisited
I have been waiting for 2 months for a WallyTractor to fine tune my setup so I am hoping for the same results. Congrats. I hope Wally will finally send me my Michael Fremer recommended set up device to tweak my rig.\Happy listening. 
Spendor S8e or Vandersteen 3A-Sig or ?
Since I have owned neither I won't "talk my book" as many do about the system they own. I have heard both, many times and I would choose the Vandy's everytime. Especially with the refined and detailed music you describe listening to, the time and ... 
Mcintosh MC225 vs Cary / VTL / C .Johnson etc
I'm a Cary Audio guy, but if you are matching the amp with Klipsch, you should go with the Mac. I don't know what the technical reasons are, but there is a magical synergy between McIntosh amps and Klipsch speakers. Great Rock Music combo, my fav. 
Wilson Vortex Cleaning arm for VPI clean machines
I did return mine as well. It definitely caused a bit of damage to some records, sadly. I did take time to set it up, carefully, several times, but it seemed to have a nick in the tube that got build up in it, even after being cleaned with steam a... 
Which preamp is good for mcintosh mc275?
Mac with Mac 
I have gone insane, need help
You need more!!! Cool, or you could do what Jallen said and sell them all and buy a VPI, Clearaudio, or Project with a nice cartridge. Buy you should just get more rack space. 
What are CDplayers out there with accessible DAC ?
Cary 306 professional 
Power conditioner/protection question
I would suggest replacing you wall outlet with a PS Audio Soloist (check their website) to start. If you decide you need more later you can always add on, but this gets you your protection and conditioning at the source to start. 
Reason for buying old/classic turntables
I'd love to do the blind listening test, that sounds awesome. Where in NYC? I only need the slightest excuse to visit NY, the wife I am sure will come with me. To NY, not the listening session, I am sure she can find some shopping to do!! 
New Magnepan
Gawdbless,Your question a few months back was either disingenous, or you don't know anything about Maggies; Which is it? I tend to believe the latter. If you have heard them so often what was the point of your question regarding Maggies in October... 
Good cartridge for playing rock
Actually, you may want to listen to Thomasheisig, if you look at his rig, he has probably forgotten more about cartridges than most of us will ever know.Go with the experts. 
Good cartridge for playing rock
Alan4545, Looks like you are already on the right track, not too expensive, and high quality. I currently have a Blackbird and love it. 
Reason for buying old/classic turntables
Actually after reading Audiofeil's comments about advances in engineering capabilites it made me think through how correct that is. A computer does not have 1/1,000,000 the calculating capability of the human brain and thinks only linearly no matt... 
Remote control from the next room
you could also get a remote with RF capability such as the Harmony 890, no need to wire the IR eye then, just program it, plug it in, put the flashers on your gear, and you are off to the races.