
Responses from macdadtexas

Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
You have answered your own question, it is not a sustainable business model with a dealer network to support. It's a specialized market that needs to evolve, or it will go away. 
Tube pre amp with phono stage and remote
Mc c2200 is v nice, all AR gear is stellar, as is Cary Audio. I have the Cary SLP98P F-1 version, that fits in your budget. Also, check out the Prima Luna and Rogue offerings. You have a lot in your wheel-house in that price range. 
NO CES Updates???
Decco, it was really impressive sounding. Not for a huge room, but for an office, bedroom (not too big) a small Apt (hello NY, Paris, London, Tokyo, Boston, Rome, Chicago, San Fran...) it was fantastic. Smooth sound. 
CES and T.H.E. 2009 - Is anyone going?
01-10-09: MacdadtexasI should have mentioned as well that the Vandersteen new model was absolutely sublime. Wow!!! Granted, they were one of the few guys who used some room treatments, and they had about $400k worth of gear around them (Clearaudio... 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
I would take any retail business that would net me 15%, if there was a market for it. If you can't keep the lights on with that, there is no market. 
NO CES Updates???
I should have mentioned as well that the Vandersteen new model was absolutely sublime. Wow!!! Granted, they were one of the few guys who used some room treatments, and they had about $400k worth of gear around them (Clearaudio Statement table that... 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
I am a definite "free market" guy, and you should charge whatever you can get, (whatever people will pay), but after talking to some of the manufacturers today at CES, and seeing the pricing lists (msrp and dealer cost), I don't see how many of th... 
How much were vinyl records selling for?
I was getting ripped off!! I still have a bunch of my records with the price on the plastic. I obviously didn't shop well, it was convenience I guess. Cactus was open until 1 am. 
Preamp inverts phase question:
I didn't read my Cary Audio SLP98 manual when I first got it, and thought the sound was muddy and diffuse. But I thought it was just a break in symptom. When I read the manual and switched the speaker cables: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! 
Whic CD player would you pick and why
Lysaker, sorry took so long to respond, been at CES/THEShow. I have not heard the Linn, but I had a Unidisc a few years back, and it was a great piece of equipment, I really loved it. That said, when I bought a modded Denon 5910 I thought it was b... 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
I live in a High End Audio Ghost town (Houston) with only 2 (1 really) high end store. They don't discount at all, are very nice, but service a very small clientel. I do a try to buy vinyl from only the local guys unless they just can't get it.But... 
How much were vinyl records selling for?
In 1987 when I waited table across the street from Cactus records (and down the street from Sound Warehouse) and had to decide wether to buy a record or a CD with the cash in my pocket after a shift ($80-150), the records were 8.99 and the CD's we... 
Flash report from 2009 T.H.E. Show
I'm going to guess less than $1500 for the panels and bass module together after seeing/hearing them. It was an amazing demonstration. The new Vandersteens were incredible as well. 
NO CES Updates???
OK, I am at the Airport, went the last 8 hrs. CES is rockin, totally packed. I don't know what it is normally like, but there was a wait for the elevators, long ones, at the Venitian to go up to the High End Audio rooms. Alexis Park seemed a littl... 
How many great CDs do you have?
None, ripped them all to digital files and play through a DAC. I believe that sounds much better than any transport I have ever heard/owned for sure.If I really want to listen critically, which I do a lot, I listen to vinyl. No contest in sound qu...