
Responses from lrsky

Quantum Resonance Technologies
Wow, everyone tried to answer at the same time, blocking the system.... 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Dekay, why not add something? What does zzzzz mean?I guess it implies sleeping, or that his finger is stuck. Maybe someone hear can give him some help.Would someone give Dekay the finger?'Goners, don't you love this type of lame response from some... 
No one cares this is the anniversary?
My father was a whopping 5'7" and 110 lbs, when he went to the draft office in February of 1942. The Dr. examining him said, "Well sir, if you weighed just 5 lbs less, we couldn't take you." My father said, "Can you give me a week?" They both laug... 
Is this rude?
Well, the essential question is this; how do you feel about using the time of someone who makes his or her living, working by selling. He or she puts food on the table, pays the mortgage, and so on with the money made selling. These people are alm... 
How do you get to listen to high end speakers?
You should have to go into some of those kinds of stores as the Vice Pres. of Sales, for a company which they just USE in order to sell other products (sell against).I held a sales meeting that was not pretty. It was almost as if I were pledging f... 
Maggie's and cats
Rex,Great response, very helpful and succinct.Best, 
How do you get to listen to high end speakers?
I really see nothing wrong with a newbee, calling to have that personal invitation.Certainly it's partly true that if the dealer won't help its his problem; the issue is that the customer STILL hasn't been serviced. That only points out the bad de... 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Some months ago I butted heads with theaudiotweak, versus my own home brew, lead, and melted plastic, featuring 90# of mass platform. At that time, I was reluctant, no, make that adamently opposed to the concept that anything would, or could work ... 
How do you get to listen to high end speakers?
Sadly this is one of the issues confronting the 'mystique' of High End Audio.Two very disparate perspective taint this discussion.Dealer:"Hey some guy in Studio Three wants to hear the Wilson Grand Slams, and he looks like he couldn't afford a Den... 
hi-end universal players?
I'll second the Lexicon.I am using Halcro's and Sound Lab A-1's and the Lexicon is definitely worth the askance.Plus, Theaudiotweek, a long time friend came over today. He placed the Sistrum SP-1 under the Lexicon, and wow!!!!I had never heard it ... 
Speakers using ceramic drivers....differences?
Albert,You like these drivers?I have heard some of the, for want of a better word, exotica, but find myself gravitating back to the 'natural' products, except for my SL.The magnesium drivers are very good, but have a 'sound' in some of the applica... 
calling all vandy 5a owners
Don't panic.Your dealer made the 5's sound the way you liked,or you wouldn't have bought them. Let him have a chance to do the same at your home.I am a little surprised that he didn't come over and set them up from the beginning. But then I know n... 
wilson vs competitor battle demo
What is a panachea?Are you saying panacea...A remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all.Dave Wilson makes great speakers, but buying great sound with only speakers is iron pyrite,(fool's gold). Balance, with the most money (gener... 
Dynamic versus Electrostatic Part Deux
cdcI put this in the same place of my original question, and had seveal people asking me to PLEASE let them know the outcome, given the size of the room, and the ss amplifiers.Frankly I would be surprised if it allowed dynamics with their known de... 
Most forgiving speakers?
I respectfully disagree that the Spica is good for rock music, IMHO. They are small, delicate creatures, that are articulate, first order cross overs, limiting dynamics, while doing exactly what Rich said otherwise.Buy a good speaker, then, if NEE...