

Responses from lous

Best repair people for my Threshold 400a?
Jon Soderberg. He was a tech at the original Threshold corporation, he has matched parts on the shelf, he’s professional and has probably seen every issue there is. Everyone I know who has had him repair, or modify their gear have been quite happy... 
Mc 240 vs. Prima Luna
Don Sachs used to do mods to Macintosh gear. He now builds amps which he says are far better sounding than any Citation or Macintosh amp ever built. Prima Luna is okay, I have one of their amps, but if I wasn't building my own amplifier which is n... 
Listening to music I don’t particularly like
I listen to different things all the time. You can only watch the same TV show some many times. The same goes for music. Come Together, Whole Lotta Love, etc, just gets boring. I hated Sinatra as a child, and now I like his work, but I have gotten... 
Tube Preamps that work well with SS amps?
Don Sach Model 2 preamp, unless you want to spend a lot more on your preamp.   
Tube Vs. SS Preamps
There is no correct answer to your question. Different designers are going to focus on different things. For me Don Sach's DS2 preamp with the right tubes is the most accurate preamp I have had in my system. It drives my ML 29L amp perfectly. One ... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
Why do so many discussions turn out so contentious? For the same reason worthless sounding equipment get good reviews in magazines. Everyone wants their beliefs affirmed. IME there are several groups of listeners. The 2 primary groups are those lo... 
Two new Schiit Yggdrasil's released yesterday!
Like Tvad I had real issues with the highs from my Y2. It was music dependant, if there were no really high frequencies it wasn't an issue, but I absolutely loved everything else about it, so I decided to spend a ton on cables to "fix" it, no good... 
High efficiency speakers
Speak to David Dicks at Audio Nirvana. Musicians tell me that my system is the closest to live that they have ever heard. I don't do Dave's electronics! Yaggdrasil DAC, Don Sachs DS2 preamp and a ML 27.5, yeah, I know, beyond unnecessary with thos... 
Why have capacitors improved so much over the years?
Okay, all components have improved in quality out of necessity. Decades ago it made sense to make resistors of varying quality. Miniaturization and speed has largely changed that. It now makes sense to only make extremely good quality parts becaus... 
Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?
AN-15 Alinco Classic speakers are the only speakers that have gotten me to the I am there point, but they are extremely revealing thus intolerant of poor upstream gear.https://commonsenseaudio.com/nirvana.html 
What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?
I currently own the best speakers that I have ever heard, AN15 Alincos, AN being for Audio Nirvana. If money were no object though, I would like to try multiple Quad 57 ELS panels integrated with cone woofers/subs, though I suspect that the AN15'S... 
Highest BUILD quality tube amps?
I am surprised that the Dynaco gear hasn't been mentioned. The ST-70 is still highly sought after. I prefer the improved versions, VTA I believe was mentioned but not in conjunction with Dynaco unless I misread. Anyway, in addition to Roy's amps, ... 
beginner seperate system
I didn't do a good job of proofing my original post, when buying tubes, I go through Don, not Roy. Don uses the best new production tubes, some of which are better sounding than NOS tubes. Roy uses lower end tubes IME. Roy designs rock solid gear,... 
beginner seperate system
Hi dcevens,As for your concern about Don's preamp, if Don should meet with some tragic circumstance after you bought a preamp from him, Roy Muttram, and Bob Latino are loosely connected with him, so I am sure that they would help, but frankly his ... 
beginner seperate system
In your price range, Schiit audio is worth consideration. The thing that I hear time and again about Chinese gear is that when you buy it, you own it, they reputedly have lousy service. Remember, that’s hearsay, I can’t say that I know. The Freya ...