

Responses from lous

I need cables for my 2 channel system
My 2 cents. I agree generally with those who say that the best cable for connecting device X to Z is brand S. IOW, one cable very well may not mate well with your gear. I recently went through cables some of which costing north of $600, and below ... 
Should I recap my speakers? If so who can do it?
Here's your problem. I tried to upgrade some Vandersteen 2CE Signatures once. They actually have 3 capacitors in series, so I bypassed them with V-Caps. The treble sounded horrid, they used the 3 caps to tame the tweeters. So, if you send the cros... 
I was having an issue with brightness in my system, and was attempting to address it through interconnects. It turned out that an isolation transformer was needed, but it took a lot to convince me to try it. After all, with conventional power supp... 
Questions from a Tube Preamp newbie
Hi Abery,1. It really depends upon the preamp and the quality of the tubes.2. NOT that I have noted, but I am no expert.3. A tremendous difference. I'd seriously look for some Telefunkens. I can't be sure about the 12AU7's, but I think Telefunken'... 
Vandersteen help needed
Unfortunately the best solution to Vandersteens is to sell them. I had 1C and 2 CE Plus speakers years apart. I just sold the 1C speakers, back then I didn't tweak equipment. The 2CE speakers I bypassed some caps for the tweeter and ended up with ... 
I'm considering replacing my passive preamp with a tubes. Is it worth it?
The thing about a tube preamp is that the preamp is just the start of things. IME, you begin with which tubes to go with. I prefer the 12AX tubes. I have an LS15 preamp with modifications to the SS DC section, soft recovery diodes, better caps, as...