

Responses from lous

China built tube amps
Tunes4HIFI can get you there for less, but upgrading the components can make Roy's gear really sing. Stay with 6SN7'S, Toroidy transformers for amp outputs, a KT88 design, meaning that the circuit can't just accept KT88's but is powerful enough to... 
China built tube amps
Well, he's an audio snob to be sure. Some of the gear that you mentioned brags about their output transformers. There are certainly far better transformers out there. For similar cost, you can get separates from at least North American manufacture... 
Honesty is the best policy...I think.
Perfect software doesn’t exist, if they don’t know that they ought to avoid complex things like computers. It’s certainly annoying as all get out when it happens, but I work the hardware end of IT, and I have to either tell the end user to reboot,... 
How much “suspension of disbelief do you need?”
When people who are in a band tell me that they have never heard a stereo that sounded as accurate as mine, where they are able to discern rim shots, listen to the original to better reproduce it and such, I know that I am close. As resolving as ... 
Please recommend speakers
  https://forum.audiogon.com/users/tomic601 Tomic601 Hi Tomic601,  I hope that you will receive notification with regards to this reply. I don't want to have the last word by you not being alerted. I don't have access to that circuit anym... 
DAC Question: Delta-Sigma vs R2R
GIGO, garbage in, garbage out. The real test is what you consider garbage. If you have normal hearing, whatever that is, then you need to know your taste. Reviewers generally need to sell advertising and if they slam a product they risk a loss of ... 
How Big of a Difference?
IF you have money to burn through, the best cables I have heard were Goetz and Western Electric's or Dueland's imitations which may sound even better than the originals. 50 years ago Western Electric cables delivered clear voices from coast to coa... 
Please recommend speakers
I am not up on current fashions, but the thing that you need to determine before you buy anything is what exactly do you want? I am sure that we could divide listeners into thousands of groups, SS vs tubes, et. al. I simplify it into two camps. Ca... 
Don Sachs used to upgrade/modify Macintosh and HK Citation gear until he ran across some gear designed by Roy Mottram. Some was to upgrade Dynaco amps, and he also had a beautiful sounding preamp of his own design. Don found that he could apply ma... 
Need help choosing a new DAC
mr-m,   Thanks, I like to forget that name for some reason, so much so that I am no longer aware that I have done it...  
Are tubes psychological?
Last I knew recording studios virtually always have tubes in the microphone amplifiers because they do somehow produce a warmer, less sterile sound.. What does that actually mean? I'm not sure, but the folks who make a living from music prefer tub... 
Need help choosing a new DAC
@Terrapin77, I wrote this before realizing that you had already pulled the trigger.  My DS2 doesn’t have a balanced in, but you can get balanced to RCA conversion connectors, and that’s what I use on the outputs of my Yggdrasil. If you are not i... 
Line Stage Preamps that blew you away $2500 Edition
The Doug Sach's 2, DS2 should be in that price range and using 6SN7 tubes it is one awesome preamp. Doug has managed to master quiet power so that it doesn’t get in the way of the sound, and has found components that has the most minimal impact on... 
Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?
My Yggdrasil sounds far better using the balanced outs, but my DS2 prep and ML 27.5 only have SE inputs, so I have a balanced to RCA adapter coming from the Yggdrasil. You can get a straight adapter or one with the XLR on one end and an RCA on the... 
Appreciate Some Dac Advice
This is all gleaned hearsay, so ultimately I don’t know. Pontus II is supposedly #3, between 1 & 2 supposedly would be the Holo Audio Spring 3, and the Yggdrasil around that price point. I have had the Yggdrasil 2.0 since it first came out, th...