
Responses from loomisjohnson

Bill Chinook / Bruce Springsteen
i think the river is his best set of songs, but the albums i'm inclined to actually sit down and listen to are the folky ones-- tom joad and nebraska, where he sounds unforced and uninclined to make everything sound like an epic. 
Bill Chinook / Bruce Springsteen
i shoudn't wade into tis polemical fray, though i do find it surprising that people would disqualify springsteen's music on patriotic grounds--whether or not you agree with his politics, it's hard to fault the guy for expressing his opinion.  to m... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
quicksilver, happy trails. john cippolina was a vastly underrated guitar god, here doing bo diddly for an hour or so 
THE most sonically dissappointing (lp) you own of great music?
graham parker's stick to me is abysmally recorded, tho full of great tunes; likewise much of the smiths. marshall crenshaw's field day and iggy's raw power also come to mind 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
i always though that if you replaced "going mobile" (which i never much cared for on who's next with "pure and easy", it would be perfect record.that said, i wouldn't change a note on blonde on blonde or astral weeks, although there's a lot less v... 
Whats playing on your system today?
flamin groovies, jumpin in the night--recorded after the departure of their main man, roy loney (whose "out after dark" is fantastic and on spotify). more of a jangle pop direction. lots of covers (including a version of "werewolves of london" th... 
Mellow speakers
vienna acoustics come to mind when i think of mellow speakers; likewise the older sonus faber recommended above 
Your favorite one-man band!
stevie wonder plays everything except guitar on his best records...skip spence played all the instruments on the outside classic "oar" 
Most underated albums......
john hiatt, "two bit monsters" and 'all of a sudden"--before he did the americana thing hiatt was marketed as a sort of american elvis costello; "all of a sudden" in particular got dressed up in all sorts of new wave sonic dross. underneath it all... 
Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?
the Not Always Reliable (or Not Again, Dammit) monikers are apt--i've cycled thru a bunch before giving up. i seem to recall perhaps one NAD component among the ten or so i've owned over the years that didn't malfunction in some way. very frustrat... 
B&K AVR 505S2 Replacement
if you don't need all the latest codecs and dsp junk the b&k is hard to beat for sound quality--you can get another used one on ebay very inexpensively. if you want something more modern, you can find an anthem (510/710 etc.) in your range--th... 
Parasound HCA-2200?
Very good deal. I'd buy it 
Who has tried "TIDAL" vs other streaming applications?
fwiw, i also went back to spotify after a month of tidal. like ghosthouse, at lower volume, casual listening (which is generally my office mode) i didn't hear a big difference. for more critical listening through good headphones, the difference wa... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
fig dish, that's what love songs often do--replacement-ish chicago band that had a brief major label fling in the wake of smashing pumpkins. massive, crunchy guitar hooks, great dynamics and a lot of fun.arab strap, red thread--dour, poetic lyrics... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
ghost, thanks for following up. the carles benavent is excellent btw--very 80s fusion throwback. which is a good thing.