

Responses from lloydc

Recommendations for the best headphones with equalization after severe acoustic injury
I find headphones to be very isolating, and don’t like them at all.  If you want music listening yo be a social event, hearing aids is the only way to go.  they might help in the car too. btw, the Lyric is very expensive, but they are still analo... 
Recommendations for the best headphones with equalization after severe acoustic injury
your hearing loss is in the range where speech differentiation occurs, and mist of the midrange and low treble, so if you don’t have a pair yet, you will.  The best ones cost around $6k per pair, last time I checked.  My hearing aids have 4 eq cu... 
Class D Amplification Announcement
If any Class D amp is “good enough” for you, you’re lucky.  Not being able to hear the differences will save you lots of money.  Unless you buy an Aavik.   
What I really hate about some music
Bob Dylan,  Jerry Garcia and Lou Reed were terrible at singing, but it didn’t stop them from singing some great songs.  
New Dedicated Line - Almost No improvement
Be aware that large isolation transformers hum.  I got rid of mine for that reason alone - could not keep it in the listening room.  I understand that they may not be so objectionable if based on a toroid, but that those have other limitations.  
Rogers High Fidelity EHF 200 MK2
I really like my EHF 200 mk 2.  There’s a clarity to the sound that I’ve never had before. tried it with my tube preamp (a very fine Modwright LS 36.5); surprised to find I prefer using the Rogers’ attenuator, it was slightly quieter and had a be... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
Amazing how many answers were about planar speakers. They never sounded musical to me, kind of tinny. klipschorns with McIntosh amps, and Bose 901’s, woke me up to high end, around 1970.    i’s a pair of Phase Linear speakers from c. 1980 I miss... 
Simens EL34
I have 12 matched Siemens EL-34’s from Mesa Boogie that I used for a few hundred hours (for “special occasions”, that is, having friends over) plus 2 unused (spares) if you’re interested.  Sold that amp, no longer need them.      
Best resistors for use in phono stage?
"hoping to get a consensus opinion".  LOL.    
New here and saying HI!
Welcome!  You will quickly learn whose posts are worth reading, and who is a troll.  
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
Tangerine Dream.  Soulless.    Bebop. Lost the swing, don’t mean a thing. Post bebop (Coleman et al), even worse. 12-tone.  The experiment needed to be tried, but it failed,    
Your sub experience: Easy or hard?
 Presumably: Distributed Bass Array  
Many higher end preamps are dated and ugly, why is this?
My Rogers integrated and phono pre look so cool that several female non-audiophiles have said, “ooh” and “ahh”.  This was unprecedented in my experience.  It also contributes to domestic harmony.     
Buyer Beware
Yes, your bank can reverse charges on a check many weeks after you think it has cleared.  I’m not aware of any time limit.  
Is an isolation transformer better than a power conditioner?
I found that the hum from my larger isolation transformer, in the same room as the equipment, was too loud to tolerate.   They all hum and imho a large one must be located outside near the box.  I agree the improvement is slight.