Has something gone wrong @ Stereophile?

My subscription ran out.  Their renewal option on the website was broken, and now there isn’t one. I tried to start a “new” subscription, but it won't accept it unless automatic renewal is selected.  Sorry, I don’t authorize auto-renew if I can possibly avoid it, as a matter if policy - it can be a nightmare canceling those things. 

they’re asleep at the wheel, compared to the renewal bombardment reminders  from The Smithstonian.  I consider Stereophile quite entertaining.  Miss AD, won’t miss MF.  Wondering  if something has happened to them…?


Grabbing an opportunity to acknowledge and thank herbreichert.   Herb, you are certainly rolled into my top 5-7 audio writers that include dearly missed Art, HP & JGH.  There is an authenticity gleaming from your hand's-on history and passion in our hobby.  Your writing feels like visiting a pal for a pot of tea and a tube listen.  Trust comes hard-earned in our hobby, and you certainly have mine.  In the hinterlands of Maine, reading the journals in search of music and the ongoing journey of improving my sweet spot has been invaluable, over decades.  Ours is a tight, intimate society...diverse, often delightfully rascally...driven towards our truths, as only we can define them.  Thanks, Herb, for sharing many a cold winter's night, curled up with a read and a warm beverage, followed by a snuggle with the Sweetspot-Siren. 

Pin (Tim)          More Peace    (useage of bold print is simply to help old eyes) 

thank you Kindly pint thrift 

the primary joy of writing this stuff is when someone like you says they enjoyed reading it. I am grateful for your time and attention.


Also, I am honored to be put in the same club as AD (a God), HP (the man I still learn from, and JGH (the man who started it all).  

Ff you have any ideas on how I can improve please fire away! 






Thanks for all the responses.  I went ahead and renewed at the mag’s site, and accepted the automatic renewal. 

Herb, I enjoy your writings more than all the other Stereophile writers combined. I have great respect for your knowledge and opinions, and share many of your apparent preferences (e.g., tubes!).  That makes your recent cable reviews - implying that incredibly expensive cables may actually be worth their cost - disturbing.