
Responses from lewm

Garrard 301 motor and rumble
Mijo, I don’t argue with what you say, but it could be that certain drive systems are more capable than others in making incremental corrections in speed to maintain a more constant 33.333 rpm. Because of less compliance in the drive system compar... 
Accuphase AC-3 Re-tip new cantilever vs new purchase?
Doesn't it all boil down to how much you have to pay for the Accuphase vs whether you have prior experience to suggest you like that particular cartridge vs what is the condition?  If you estimate the total cost after "re-tipping" (a euphemism for... 
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
Try your Goldring. I am finding the MP500 Nagaoka to be excellent (on my Triplanar) but perhaps not the equal of the Ortofon MC2000. Problem there is I’m getting very faint hiss with the BMC MCCI at its +11db setting. Can hear it only between cuts... 
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
You own several expensive cartridges. It’s off topic, but would you care to comment on their relative merits or demerits?  
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
Mijostyn, Have you considered Balsa wood for the arm wand?  I am not sure why you say your tonearm is prone to a high effective mass.  Can you explain or is the reason for it is part of the patented idea? Certainly there are a variety of materials... 
Considering selling my restored Garrard 301
I am aware of all you’ve written and I don’t disagree that an ID is more prone to noise than a BD, for reasons you mention. I already indicated I’m not a fan of especially the TD124, not only because of the design ((ID and BD in one package) but a... 
Garrard 301 motor and rumble
FWIW, a high quality PS like the LDA made by Fidelity Research (see the other thread) will almost certainly reduce motor noise, and also make it run smoother thereby reducing idler noise as well.  How much benefit is for an end user to say.  The W... 
Considering selling my restored Garrard 301
What I said ad nauseam. But thanks.  
Considering selling my restored Garrard 301
Pindac, I think you live in the UK, where 240V/50Hz is the standard mains voltage and frequency. So it makes sense that a CDP could work off the LDA, if the current demand does not exceed its capability.  But one probably could not use the LDA to ... 
Considering selling my restored Garrard 301
Perhaps but that doesn’t mean it work off our 120V/60Hz AC mains. Stands to reaso it would generate 240V/50Hz as the purists say that is best for the motor.  
Garrard 301 motor and rumble
There are any number of gurus who claim to have mastered the art of perfecting the workings of a Garrard 301.  Artisan Fidelity are one of those, but there are others.  It's not cheap.  If you want to try to do it yourself, you've come to the wron... 
Considering selling my restored Garrard 301
Larry, I am pretty sure the LDA is a power regenerator that puts out variable voltage at 50Hz, referenced to a quartz oscillator to keep the frequency perfectly stable. The platter speed of the induction type motor can then be controlled by varyin... 
Considering selling my restored Garrard 301
fsonic, I used the word "marketing" with respect. They have been very canny about producing plinths and ancillary devices to enhance the performance of very popular products.  Good choice of what products to make and how to sell them is what I had... 
Considering selling my restored Garrard 301
Larry, I had the same question. If memory serves, the Garrard motor was available either way. Yet the LDA is said to produce 50Hz. I saw no mention of a 60Hz option but I only scanned the website. I do know that 301 purists prefer 50Hz, which I be... 
Transimpedance has too much gain?
Atmasphere described this. Most current drive phono stages use an op amp input stage which provides a “virtual ground” the impedance between the inputs and the virtual ground can be zero. But there is also a true ground, and the impedance between ...