
Responses from lewm

Turntable choice for mono records
Whether a mono cartridge is “better” than a stereo cartridge used in mono mode will depend as much upon the differences between the selected stereo and mono cartridges, on the two different tonearms, and on the accuracy of alignment, as it does up... 
Turntable choice for mono records
Turntable per se would make no difference, mono vs stereo. You want the best you can afford. Same goes for tonearm. Generally , if you’re buying a TT-TA ensemble, better TTs come with commensurately better TAs. As to the particular cartridge compa... 
SOTA STAR Sapphire Turntable Care and Feeding
Tablejockey, if you’re referring to the Grado XTZ as a budget model from the 90s, you’re very wrong. In the 80s that was Grado’s best cartridge, and it retailed for near to $1K. More importantly, it was superb in SQ, and I’d rate it ahead of most ... 
Ultrasonic cleaning
Kodak Photoflo contains ethylene glycol as well as a nonionic detergent.  EG is probably something you don’t want for cleaning LPs.  
Goodbye Everyone
Elliot, take heart, literally. A good friend just had his aortic valve replaced trans-arterially, and he was emailing with me next day and already back at work. Amazing stuff.  
XLR Turntable
So, if you already own a balanced phono stage, you would remove the RCA plugs from your phono cables. Then solder the bare lead that was connected to the center plug of the RCE to pin2 of an XLR. The bare lead that was connected to the outer barre... 
XLR Turntable
A turntable is a passive device. It has nothing to do with signal processing or amplification. Same goes for a tonearm. If you want to operate in balanced mode, you simply connect your cartridge to any suitable phono stage that incorporates balanc... 
Perfect Vinyl Forever
Larsman, I really didn’t ask my question in order to start an argument, but one must admit that “residual paper substance” and “substance residual from the pressing process” are not very specific phrases. Nevertheless I realize that many do as you... 
help choosing a turn table
Yoyo, thanks for correctly interpreting my meaning, when I wrote that “if Rega are right, everyone else is wrong”. I was indeed referring to the extreme low mass/high rigidity mantra. Nearly everyone else approaches the problem of isolation and en... 
Perfect Vinyl Forever
Others have vigorously denied that there is any residue on new vinyl that would require immediate cleaning. I have no opinion but the idea is out there. Can you say what residual substance would need to be removed?  
help choosing a turn table
I’m a Rega agnostic. The design philosophy is contrarian, so it might succeed or fail in practice, but I’ve never heard any Rega so far as I can recall. If Rega is right, almost everyone else is wrong.  
help choosing a turn table
Is that good or bad?  
WOOD SURROUND for Audio Technica AT120; Technics 1200 and Technics 1210
Yogiboy, That's a really useful summary for anyone in the market.  Kudos to you for posting.  My opinion is that Technics have willfully created a marketing nightmare.  There are significant differences among those many versions of the SL1200/1210... 
Ultrasonic cleaning
Definition of "deionized water": Deionized water is free of cations (positively charged mineral ions) and anions (negatively charged mineral ions). Some examples of cations are calcium and magnesium, sodium and iron, while sulfates, carbonates and... 
Still looking for a new Moving Coil Cartridge
"MC carts have fundamental problem of coil wire' affecting moving part resonance etc. that’s why MC carts typically require higher tracking pressure, which is no good for diamond needle etc."  I am not a big fan of low cost MC cartridges, either, ...