
Responses from lewm

Cost to Rewire a Tonearm?
If you pay someone else to do it, you are also likely to be paying a premium for the wire itself.  The Audionote silver litz wire alone, for one example, may cost you more than Chakster's estimate for the whole job including labor, if the tech acq... 
Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above
I have not made any measurements, but 45 rpm singles were produced with a very wide diameter spindle hole. Out beyond that they had a rather wide run-out, I thought so as to trigger a changer mechanism, either in a juke box or on a home record cha... 
Turntable versus tonearm versus cartridge: which is MOST important?
I might point out that 3-4 of us delivered the same opinion as MC, prior to MC's post.  Anyway, it's a comfort to know we are mostly in agreement. 
Can you run the HANA SL MC at 100 ohms?
Glad it worked out well. 
Turntable versus tonearm versus cartridge: which is MOST important?
Many of us have had the experience where a medium or a budget priced cartridge sounds excellent on a very expensive turntable with a high-quality tonearm. I am among those who have had this experience. Therefore I would say the tonearm and turntab... 
SUT Advice - Which Ones Are The Best?
JCarr, thanks again for yet another great help to SUT users. The only SUT-maker that I have dealt with personally are Jensen transformers in California, and yes those guys really know what they’re doing and what they are talking about, and they of... 
Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above
Mijo, this is not meant as criticism, because many of us do it, but you talk about “harmonic distortion “ when you are actually referring to tracking angle error.I am not sure that anyone has ever shown that the two are linearly related. Can you a... 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
best-groove, For what it's worth, I referenced MF's review in my response to Mijostyn only with respect to MF's description of the construction and how dampening (or damping, if you prefer) was achieved.  I made no mention of MF's opinions about a... 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
Mike, have you heard the K3 or are you extrapolating from your vast prior experience as to its sonic character? Also, would you care to mention which of your turntables wins the sustain trophy? I’m guessing it’s a belt drive type. 
VARIAC: Procedure??? 2 old 30 wpc tube amps, unused for 4 years
I’m still perseverating on your basement with “zero” humidity. One important  bit of advice that I and some others failed to convey is to always use a load resistance on the amplifier outputs. If you don’t have a suitable power resistor, you can u... 
Cartridges with that musical coherence - having heard it, I need to learn more
Markus, I advise you to take some time with any new equipment (in this case new tubes and a new cartridge) before waxing so poetic about the improvement to sound quality. We are all prone to conflate “different “ with “better”. It’s also a good id... 
VARIAC: Procedure??? 2 old 30 wpc tube amps, unused for 4 years
In some tube amplifiers Zenor diodes are used to provide voltages to key elements of the circuit, for example the bias voltage on the grids of the output tubes. Diodes don’t conduct until a certain threshold voltage has been reached.Other kinds of... 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
Mijo, You wrote, in reference to the K3: "It's three failings are it's lack of isolation, a dust cover and vacuum clamping."I think your orthodoxy is getting in the way of your logic.  If you read MF's review, you will see that instead of "isolati... 
Adding a Turntable Mat
First 2 posts offer very specific opinions, and then you wrote that you “wouldn’t mess around with the mat”. ( I now realize that your original response was the 4th post.) From there the responses went off in many directions. Just thought I’d add ... 
Adding a Turntable Mat
It’s very funny that the OP asks about mats, and he gets advice about a half a dozen other different tweaks by and large, with almost no mention of turntable mats. I must disagree with anyone who maintains that mats make very little difference. Ra...