Responses from lewm
CUTTING DOWN A TONEARM CABLE Canare connectors? | |
Testing the Yamamoto HS-4 Carbon Fiber headshell. Noromance, I don't know why I did not bring it up earlier in this 2-year thread, but I completely agree with you on the "sound" of carbon fiber when it is used structurally in audio components, except for headshells. I have not at all liked the W... | |
CUTTING DOWN A TONEARM CABLE Only thing: De-solder the plug, chop at that end to the desired length, and re-solder the plug exactly as it was. Don't chop in the middle. Not that you would necessarily do that, but... There would be an "ideal length" if and only if you are ta... | |
A pitch too High! I don't want to get into it again with MC, but skating force occurs with any and all types of pivoted tonearms, those that overhang the spindle and those that underhang the spindle, as well. (So far, those are the only two types I know about, and ... | |
Recommendations for setting VTA You will receive reams of advice on this topic. You can even search in these archives for even more blah-blah. Simplest approach is to set the top of the headshell parallel to the LP surface. Many/most cartridge makers manufacture the cartridge... | |
Dynavector Karat 17D3: retip for $500 or get something new? Needlestein, It's good for us vinylistas to know you are out there. Thank you for posting. Some MI cartridges do not have user replaceable "styli", but they do have user replaceable modules that may include all or part of the transducing mechani... | |
Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust. An "oligomer" is nothing more than a short "polymer". So, all oligomers are polymers but not all polymers are oligomers. Further, the distinction is vague; the number of units or "mers" that define an oligomer is not specified by the term. One dic... | |
Looking For A Dialogue Around Using An Ortofon MC2000 In My Current System It always boils down to "distortions" that the other guy "likes". You don't seem to recognize that the Manley Steelhead drives the Beveridge speaker system and woofers that I have in a system totally separate from the Sound Lab system. The Be... | |
Manley Chinook - setting for Ortofon Quintet Black S Anything over 50 ohms load resistance could reasonably be used without important compromise to performance. It's a matter of taste. | |
Looking For A Dialogue Around Using An Ortofon MC2000 In My Current System Raul, you are wrong in your comments about my system. Ridiculously presumptuous in fact. | |
Onzow ZeroDust reportedly leaves a residue When your supposed US stylus cleaner is in operation, do you hear a hum or buzz? If so, it’s probably operating within the audible range of frequencies, not really US. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. IMO, it’s actually safer. Most opera... | |
Onzow ZeroDust reportedly leaves a residue The Amazon ad doesn’t miss a trick. It’s a liquid cleaner with a brush. It also includes an”ultrasonic” cleaner with a UV light, What could go wrong? | |
Looking For A Dialogue Around Using An Ortofon MC2000 In My Current System Edgeware, I agree with your and Raul’s laissez faire attitude toward tonearm matching, but your logic above is faulty. If one wants to conform to the resonant frequency calculation then one must use a very lightweight tonearm, owing to the relativ... | |
Onkyo CP 1050 Turntable OPINIONS Onkyo is a reputable Japanese brand that hasn’t marketed a TT, at least outside of japan, in many years. This TT was made in China. What do you think? I think the association with onkyo is suspect at best. Or, this is an effort by Onkyo to get bac... | |
Looking For A Dialogue Around Using An Ortofon MC2000 In My Current System Neon, If you are using a SUT into an "MC" phono stage, be very sure that the phono input resistor is 47K ohms, not the more typical 100 ohm range, albeit because the internal resistance of the MC2000 is only 2 ohms, you probably can get away easil... |