Responses from lewm
What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V? Whew! | |
What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V? Raul does not need an apologist. He is what he is. By all accounts of those who have met him in person, he is indeed a charming and amiable person. Not always does he behave that way on line. I feel it's OK to call him out on his behavior at tho... | |
What is the best way to clean Vinyl? The OP is on a beer budget yet he’s being offered single malt scotch solutions to his “problem”. | |
What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V? I totally agree with Mijostyn about the advice that the tonearm should be tightly coupled to the turntable bearing assembly. The two should move in unison and never in relation to one another. However, many persons have built these very heavy, v... | |
Technics 1200 w/ AT440ML/OCC ... BENT! If your cartridge was 8 years old and still with its original stylus, then either you play LPs very infrequently or the stylus needed replacement anyway. In the latter case, you just did yourself a favor by forcing the issue of replacing the styl... | |
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K? There has been 100% consensus that the SME at the quoted price is a bargain, like the SME or not. For that reason, I think, the thread has wandered off course. What more can anyone say about the question of whether the price is a good one? Perha... | |
Vinyl - One Word - WOW!! Oldaudiophile, You are not so old here. Many of us are antedeluvian and superannuated. In one of my two systems I am using Transmission Line woofer cabinets that I built in the early 1970s, when I was a medical intern. Mijo is only slightly yo... | |
Vinyl - One Word - WOW!! $35,000?!!! Really, Mijo? There are certain things that vinyl will never do that digital does, both good and bad, and whether one prefers one or the other depends on how the individual listens and what the individual listens for, so I find such c... | |
Want to add vinyl to my system. Rega 8 or 10 is a fine choice. If the naysayers don’t deter you. | |
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K? Pindac, it occurs to me that at current exchange rates and considering your quoted cost for an SP1000R (SP10R plus plinth and tonearm) of 16K GBP, you could fly to Tokyo, have a nice vacation in Japan, and return to the UK with an SP1000R and cash... | |
Tube stereo sounds -smaller- after being on You will have to evaluate each of the many components of the system in order to figure this one out, but the one thing that could affect all is your AC supply. Is your line voltage constant? Otherwise, this is a DIY question. Got a meter? Chec... | |
Your thoughts/experience with very good, cheap tuners? The man wants a “relatively cheap” tuner. I don’t think that’s going to be a McIntosh or a Sequerra or even a Magnum Dynalab. | |
Bluetooth vs Turntable Recommendations On 12/28/22, you asked for advice choosing among 3 turntables. You got plenty of advice. Here we are 2 days later and you’re asking about 2 of the least expensive turntables on your original list of 3, plus Bluetooth or a better quality streaming ... | |
Your thoughts/experience with very good, cheap tuners? Luxman T110 is also excellent and cheap. | |
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K? At your dealer, was it the same cartridge? Was it the same, phono stage, amplifier, and speakers as you use at home? If not, how do you really know that the SME performed any better than your technics? If you just want to buy the SME 30 because it... |